today was...interesting. i skipped out of geometry *yay!* to see Cedric perform. my god, it was better than last year! i skipped JSA photos to see him. *sorry JSA ppl, but i needed to see the performance, i find it rude to walk out of a show, and i hate pictures anyways...forgive me!* i absolutly adore that man...i wonder if he needs a groupie...i was half tempted to ask him to sign my chest...but alas, my sharpies were in my other purse. ^_^
honestly, why do drama students have to be so...dramatic? its only a fucking picture ppl, dont get angry! dont get pissy, we had to wait in the hall for...what? five minutes? big deal! somehow, ppl couldnt get it thru their head that they need to keep it at a low roar...whatever...either way, i ended up with a killer headache *yay for tylenol* but im not gonna complain, cuz you know what? it doesnt do any good.
for all of you so well versed in the Whelen technique, im sure you remember the touching excersize. well, Sam, Emily, and I did ours. ours was so unique and original, ms. shelley actually took pictures. *interuption!...i love my cat, he knows when im sad, and he'll do something incredibly cute to cheer me up* i really want copies of those pics...but this is a monumental day for me. because for ONCE...even if its just once, i was part of something that ms. shelley, loved, and approved of. afterwards she asked what we learned from the excersize, and she said i had a wonderful way of picking things out of what we were doing and working off of them, and building on them...even if its only once, i know have approval from ms. shelley on ONE project. thats all i asked. im satisfied.
love and confusion to all,