And it's amazing what a difference a decent night's sleep makes -- I can actually focus and get things done today. (And got a few rows onto my purple sock last night before winding things up, so there's that. I don't think I can quite finish it by the end of the weekend -- but at least I can be done with the foot and up onto the leg.)
I didn't pass along the link to this
Radiation Dose Chart when I ran across it because I was seeing it from so many sources at the time. But none of those sources were on LJ, now that I think about it, so I might as well.
A few links from my Yahoo! page:
Fewer multiple births in states with insurance coverage for infertility -- "Faced with the prospect of costly in vitro fertilization (IVF) but with no help from insurance coverage, some infertile couples feel pressure to transfer multiple embryos in an attempt to ensure that the IVF is a success. This can lead to higher rates of twin and triplet births and prematurity. But having insurance coverage could curtail the costs associated with these multiple births, according to a new study by researchers at Yale School of Medicine."
Wolf Crosses the Lake Superior Ice to Become Leader of the Pack -- "By analyzing DNA found in blood from some captured animals and in scat from many more, the researchers were able to determine that by 2009, 56 percent of the genes in Isle Royale wolves could be traced to wolf No. 93, or the Old Gray Guy, as he became known. Such a change is clear evidence for a large difference in fitness between the Old Gray Guy and the other wolves, and scientists expected that the introduction of such a an animal into a small inbred group would produce a sharp increase in population - what scientists call a genetic rescue. But in this case, it did not happen. A co-author of the study, Rolf O. Peterson, a research professor at Michigan Technological University, said that the population of Isle Royale hangs on by a thread, as it has for decades. The average reproduction after the Old Gray Guy arrived was no different from before. Yet this does not mean that he had no effect. 'The simple interpretation is that genetic rescue doesn’t work,' said Dr. Vucetich, an assistant professor of wildlife ecology at Michigan Technological University. 'But what happened here is that when the immigrant came in 1997, in the decade that followed, the moose population declined radically. It’s plausible that we didn’t see an effect because the wolves were suffering from some other trouble that disguised the benefit.' That, said Dr. Vucetich, is 'an important lesson all over the world. When you do genetic rescues and it looks like it didn’t work, there may be a beneficial effect that you don’t see because of some other environmental event.'"
Linkhopping led me to:
Non-survivor privilege and silence -- "Those of us who’ve experienced abuse, rape and other violations don’t keep it quiet because we’re ashamed. Or because it’s intensely personal. The main reason we keep it quiet is because we know how you’ll treat us if we tell you. We know you have a culturally-granted privilege to remain ignorant. To not know, and therefore not to be responsible. Not to bother. Not to think about it."
Extroversion privilege -- "Extroverts are people who need external stimulation from others. Introverts are people who are stimulated by their own thoughts and ideas, and sometimes need to limit external input because they’ve got so much going on internally. When I tell people I’m introverted or that I enjoy time alone, I tend to get a couple of negative responses. The first is boredom, because I’m talking to an extrovert and my response to 'what did you do this weekend?' isn’t providing them any external stimulation. They have every right to find me dull. Unfortunately, society takes it one step further, inviting them to judge me as lesser because I don’t provide the stimulation they want. It’s considered normal that introverted kids who do well in school - 'nerds' or 'geeks' - should be bullied by extroverted jocks or popular girls. It’s considered okay to promote a less qualified employee with a 'better personality' (read 'extrovert'). And so on. The other negative reaction I get is the assumption that I’m emotionally damaged, and that’s why I’m introverted. This assumption rests on the assumption that everyone is naturally extroverted. In fact, there’s data to indicate that extroverts and introverts may simply be wired differently; brain chemicals in introverts may simply be a lot more active than in extroverts. They’re more often in output mode than input, while extroverts are the other way around."
Also linkhopping through some reviews of Sucker Punch, which I'm going to make a point of Netflixing:
In Defense of Sucker Punch: Why the Flawed Film Is Worth Fighting for -- "It is a tricky thing that Zach Snyder was trying to do, making a genuinely bleak and depressing film about sexualization of women in pop culture as well as real life, while using some of those cliches to tell that story. But beneath the outfits and the very idea that attractive women with guns can qualify as titillating, there is next to no actual sexual material, and really Baby Doll (Emily Browning) is the only female character who is overly fetishized (the rest of the girls are basically attractive young women dressed in battle gear). The critics who complaint about empowerment missed the point -- it's not supposed to be empowering. You're SUPPOSED to notice the creepy undertones, the fact that these action scenes are basically a mental distraction for Baby Doll as she is sexually exploited. My first thought coming out of the movie was (pardon the crudeness): 'Zach Snyder just made While he raped me, I closed my eyes and imagined myself somewhere else: The Movie.' Pointing out that the film is not empowering is not a criticism, merely an objective statement regarding the film's overall tone. Films involving females do not have to be empowering. Feminism does not have to be empowering. It can exist merely to expose a problem involving gender relations."
Right, need to be winding up so I can head on over to see Grandma.
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