I put some more rows onto the toe of my teal kneesock last night at Grandma's and then went home and got another eight rows done on Grandma's mitt, which is about all I accomplished last night. (Well, cleared a couple of freshly-recorded hours off the DVR, too -- watched last night's NCIS and then discovered the new season of Dirty Jobs has kicked off and got to watch Mike Rowe feed albino baby kangaroos and get bitten by lemurs, clawed by a baby sloth, and kicked by a wallaby at an exotic animals ranch a mere hour north of Dallas. The ranch raises tame animals for zoos around the country and hosts a lot of field trips from area schools, but none of my schools ever took me there and I never even heard of the place before last night. I feel deprived.)
Ran out of gas at about 9:30 -- just after I'd set aside the mitt for the night and shut off the TV, but before I was able to actually put my knitting away. Didn't get moving again till past 3am, and I didn't get myself properly to bed till past 4am because I thought I'd better get my shower taken first to make sure I'd have time. So it'd be really the wisest course for me to go more or less straight to bed tonight. Don't know if that'll happen, but it should. At least I'm out of errands that need running on the way home.
Also, got a catalog in yesterday's mail that led to vague jewelry-related wistfulness (I really like
this set, though I'd never wear the earrings and the necklace is a bit more than I'm comfortable spending -- but the bracelet might happen) and to today's impulse purchase of a
mug with a moose silhouetted against starry skies because it was only $10 and what the hell, it's my birthday Sunday.
Also, I ran off with the Bradford Exchange catalog I found at my grandfather's house on Friday, because I was weirdly tempted by this
trio of fairy ornaments, and now browsing around on the website I'm turning up more. I really like this
pair of sparkly pastel dragons, and of course our tree could probably do with
a trio of unicorns as well...
Also, I sort of remembered to wear purple today in that I grabbed my
Scotch Thistle Stole last night and set it on top of my backpack to be sure I'd remember to bring it with me. (I figured it was a bit too warm to want to mess with the purple sweater, and the purple silk blouse could do with washing and ironing before I wear it again.) Then of course I've gone all day without actually putting it on. At least I'm wearing a green-and-purple necklace to go with it.
And now I've been reminded that I need
this dress, because even if I don't turn up something to go do on Halloween there's still next year's Dragon*Con. I can't even remember how many years in a row I was a witch for Halloween as a little girl, and when was the last time I dressed as one? (Hmm.
2005, apparently.) Anyway, I need the dress for the Granny Weatherwax costume I intend to have for next Dragon*Con, and I won't depend on it being still available for purchase next summer...
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