So I posted an entry yesterday afternoon, ran off and took care of some errands, and came home and settled down to eat my late lunch / early dinner and watch last weekend's Mad Men. During which I was repeatedly interrupted by A) various thunderstorm and tornado watches and warnings appearing on my TV screen and drowning out the dialogue with warning buzzes (thankfully I was able to exit the warning and rewind the DVR recording to hear what I'd missed), B) repeated frantic phone calls from my grandmother, wanting to personally warn both my mother and myself that we might be off to see the Wizard (BTW, my grandmother's given name is Dorothy) and not having realized or remembered that Mom was actually at work yesterday, and C) at least two different warning sirens going off in the area. Periodically I gave in to the Tornado Alley impulse to head out the front or back door and inspect the sky for ominous signs (I wasn't the only person in the neighborhood doing so, and there might have been more had it not been during normal working hours on a Wednesday), though I'd given up on it and settled back inside when the downpour began. So it was annoying and somewhat alarming and didn't do any favors for my appetite. (According to the article I found on my Yahoo! page this morning,
there were three tornadoes in the area last night, one of them moderately closeish.)
But I finished the episode and started working through the pair of Daily Show and Colbert Report reruns that had recorded while getting that last partial batch of photos up into my Dragon*Con gallery, and screwed around on some other stuff, and was winding up and ready to put the netbook away just as Mom was getting home from work and a grocery run. Of course, by the time she was settled down in the living room with me it was 9:30 and I had picked up a nasty headache somehow and it seemed wiser to just go to bed. Which I managed to do by midnight (where did I lose all that time? Possibly on reading some more on the latest e-book while trying to get ready for bed) and with enough naproxen that at least I didn't wake up still headachey.
Today I've been playing LJ friends list catchup -- already skimmed the posts made since I last skimmed Saturday night, and moved on to properly looking at week-old posts now. Meaning I'm just now actually reading comments and cut-tagged posts about the whole FB-LJ linking mess, and though it's past the point of relevance (and I stated my own piece Saturday night) I want to direct attention to
apocalypsos' post:
The crossposting-to-Facebook thing is so profoundly stupid I can't get mad. I'm too busy laughing. -- "Let me put it this way. Facebook is like a reunion held in Las Vegas*. Which reunion? It's a surprise! You'll be seeing family, co-workers past and present, and people you graduated from high school with, so it's a little bit of everything. There will be a lot of bright and flashing bells and whistles. There will be a lot of people playing Farmville gambling. There will be a lot of boobs on display, and unfortunately you may be related to some of them. You will rarely actually see anyone drink, but oh, will they act like they're drunk. At least once a month -- if you're lucky, it will ONLY be once a month -- somebody you know far too well will say something so egregiously offensive you simmer in uncomfortable rage. You will not have an intelligent conversation the entire time you are there, and you will regret ever having come at some point in the trip, possibly in the middle of buying your plane tickets to get there."
It feels like I've got such a long list of things to do catching up from my vacation, but honestly? Unpacked the night I got home, got all the photos dealt with yesterday, and I'm a week behind on the friends list but I tend to be lagging by about that amount as a general rule. I've got extra laundry to deal with on Saturday, and a few extra "to do" list items which have more to do with not having turned on my desktop for about a month than anything else. Oh, and I've had four kneesocks lying on my desk needing the heels repaired or reinforced for a few months now, and finding another hole worn into the heel of one of the
Grape Clessidra kneesocks last weekend was kind of the last straw in terms of letting the mending stack up like that. So I'd like to be dealing with that over the next few weeks. In fact, it'd be great if I took care of one of those socks tonight...
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