So, let's see. Last time I posted was Saturday night. Sunday I went to three panels -- the dark fantasy authors talking about angels in myth and in their own work was okay (if nothing else, I've got a few more authors I may want to check out the work of), I blew off my last chance at a True Blood panel to get lunch (vital since I'd missed breakfast), and then there was the Stargate panel to wait in line for. (Okay, but not inspiring. Still, someone wanted a photo of my SGA costume while we were waiting in line.) Finished up with a panel of about four authors whose work I read talking politics (not all that great) and headed out after a last pass through a dealers' room I wandered by the entrance of.
Had to schedule my dinner break to let the sun finish setting somewhere in eastern Alabama because I could not fucking see, what with the sun in my eyes and the contacts needing out (and the bug splatters on the windshield weren't helping much, either). Got in another hour and a half on the road, stopped for the night at 9ish in Tuscaloosa. Too tired to do anything that night along the lines of playing with and uploading photos, and while I hoped to be on the road by 10am it was more like 10:40. Still, there'd been free breakfast to take advantage of, so I didn't get hungry enough to stop for lunch till 4:30, which had gotten me to Shreveport again. Really short trip from there to my grandfather's, though I had to stop less than thirty miles out for gas and to scrub the hell out of my windshield. (My mother has the habit of cleaning her windshield at every gas stop, but it's not something I've ever bothered with. I kept thinking I needed to on the trip back from Atlanta, and then forgetting when I was actually at a gas station. Seriously nasty bug splatters, though, and made a major difference in visibility.) Crappy phone reception out there so no Twitter (though I was able to get in a text message convo with Mom), and no internet so no photo uploading.
Stayed with my grandfather on Tuesday, which included a trip to the community center to get lunch and for him to play dominoes with his friends while I finished off another book and got well into Pride and Prejudice -- yes, the Blackberry Kindle app does work just fine in the absence of a connection. (Had I realized we'd be over there for hours I'd have grabbed my knitting, but at least I had the pocket virtual library with me.) Home again, I got some knitting done, and then I left at 7:30 since the rain seemed to have passed and the sun gone down. (As I told Mom when she wanted to know when I'd be leaving, I wasn't driving west into the sunset shining in my eyes for a third day in a row.) Home at 9ish and totally unpacked by 10 or 11. Should have gone right to bed but I ran out of gas and collapsed, before getting back up at 2:30 or so and putting myself to bed for another eight hours.
Trip concluded. Today is the extra day off work I gave myself, to sleep in and deal with photos and whatever. Need to head out to make a grocery run and get lunch, but I wanted to take care of my photos first -- which I've done. Only 68 worth sharing -- disappointing, and I feel so lazy, though I think a lot of that has to do with missing so much of the pre-parade milling that's given me so many photos in previous years. On going through them all just now, some I clearly remembered taking weren't to be found, and I fear I may have done myself out of some of the shots I did take by shutting off the camera before it had finished saving. (Like the guy in army gear all painted bright green to look like a plastic soldier, or the alien and space marines wearing brain slugs, or the cheetah furry in stormtrooper armor...)
this year's DragonCon photos. And I've got a few errands to run...
ETA: :Gasp!: Just discovered 27 photos that had fallen through the cracks when I changed a folder name before all the pictures had finished transferring from the camera card. So I'll get those into my gallery and annotated -- but *after* I go take care of my stuff that needs doing...
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