Jun 15, 2013 09:36
I feel sad, a bit mad, and just bummed out. I very badly wanted to go to the Renaissance fest, since I've never been to one, and they have live jousting and various other stuff that looked like fun. Turns out that my husband has been co-opted into working in the back yard (which yes, does need to be done) with his dad, no one else can or wants to go with me (as in adult company, or better yet friendly adult company with a few more kids to walk around with us) and on top of that, my daughter has come down with croup, again, I can't even count the number of times she's had croup this year, you'd think she'd be developing some sort of fecking immunity to it already, wouldn't you? I would. So, in regards to what "I" wanted to do this weekend (and it's not like I fecking ask for a lot for myself, ya know?) I have the choice of not going, or going as a single mom with two kids, one of whom is sick, (and to be honest, a pain in the ass most of the time, even when she isn't sick) and ending up feeling frazzled, if not outright enraged at her antics....I guess I'm staying home. Sigh.
I know as a mom I'm supposed to see my kids with rose colored glasses, and I'd love to, but experience with my daughter has taught me that IF I can find the energy, the money, the time and the transportation to DO something on the weekend with her, she will 8 times out of 10 turn it into a temper tantrum, or an exhaustive nagging session of buy me this, I want that, I want to go home....it's not what I WANT, but that is what will most likely happen.
It's so damned depressing.
Yes, I'm aware that I'm being a tad selfish here, it was my sincere wish that the back yard be walled and finished in time for my daughters bday party next weekend, and the guys are doing all they can to get that done in time, because I asked. I still feel like a kid promised a treat and then had it taken away. Family time shouldn't be a struggle should it?