So, I might have got a little carried away, but what can I say? :) I love the country. (First 28 images are from various news sites, especially MDN, but the rest are all my holiday snaps)
So, an appointment was cancelled due to bad weather and I've got a rare Maki Ichiro photobook that is awaiting collection by bwinter. This ended up being a set of icons mostly of Maki with a side of Osa, Asako, Touko and 3 from Hoshigumi's latest show.
So, there are a mixed bag of Takarazuka icons in here (mostly Hana, Yuki and Sora), plus some Christmas gifts and a special batch of bases of Nagina Ruumi, since I rather adore her :) They're based on a series of photos of Nagina Ruumi-san by Ohashi Ai-san.