(no subject)

Oct 28, 2004 05:52

okay so imagine your morality as a candy apple
the apple represents your moral core, your driving force; your ideas/concepts of what must be done
and the caramel is your moral action, what you do and how you interact; shaped by the apple.
right now my life is nothing but caramel, as if someone had somehow eaten the apple first, leaving a hollow shell
the residual caramel left there, uneaten with thoes little chocolate flakes they put on

like, kinda microwaved and melted in a bowl


Dear Steve,
sorry i didnt call you on your birthday, for some reason i thought your old number would still work and i called it a bunch of times. also i dont have any email for you, you deleted everything...
i'm not even sure if it's your birthday yet, my phone's calendar tells me it is. if it's right then happy birthday.

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