Mar 25, 2010 10:41
1) I installed the latest software update on my home computer...and now the darn thing won't work. Thank you Apple. *sigh* It's about time for a new computer anyway...but Jeebus why does everything have to crop up all at the same time?
I can get a new iMac for about $1500.00. That's with AppleCare...which I wouldn't do without. It's a similar size to what I have.
My problem...I'm nervous about recovering what I currently have on my computer. I back up...but I'd like to get it up and running so I can safely transfer everything before it kicks the bucket. My last iMac lasted from 1999 to 2005. This current one has lasted since 2005 to right around now when it's started going flaky. And that flaky is mostly software related...but I can't go back to Tiger. *sigh* computer means the couch and chair will REALLY have to wait. Probably until next year. And I have medical bills out the wazoo right now. Honestly...the only thing that pisses me off more than not feeling realizing how much more money I'd have if I was healthy.
Since Dog Camp is pre-paid this year...I think I'm just cutting down the vacation budget. Next...get off all crazy drugs besides my thyroid meds. Even the painkillers don't help enough to justify the cost.
Here are the other expenditures on my list.
Couch: $2400
Shoes: $140
Current Medical Bills: $700
Car: $1000
Glasses: $120
I got my glasses and shoes. Those are bought and paid for. I still need to pay for my medical bills...and haven't taken my car in yet.
Couch: $2400
Medical Bills: $700
Car: $1000 (tune up and new tires)
Computer: $1500
I'm never getting ahead this year. *sigh*
2) I called Vanguard. I can't take out another loan on my 401k...but I CAN pay off my current loan and take a new one out for more money. That could solve all of my money problems...cause right now...the stock market isn't going ANYWHERE...and I'd make nearly the same rate of return paying myself interest. I can float some money on a credit off my loan...and retake out a loan large enough to cover the credit card debt...AND paying for the computer/car/medical well as cleaning up other credit card debt...most of it leftover from my hospital stay three years back. Considering the number of people I know who don't bother with putting anything into their 401K...I'm doing pretty well. I can take out a loan for 20k...clean up ALL my debt...and have done with it. The loss my retirement savings will take will be offset by the reduction in my anxiety levels. I can go for up to a $700 a month repayment on the loan...and still be pretty much ahead every month. And will be driving a car with safe tires.
3) I'm a little unhappy with the classes I'm taking Rerun too. And Rerun is also a little unhappy with them. They asked me to switch to an earlier class time...but now rather than spending a relaxing hour on Wednesday nights doing something with my's stressful. For me AND for him. And Tim is missing Aikido to help me get him there on time. I emailed Animal Sense...and asked what could be done about cancelling the classes. If there's a refund...I'll be surprised. Looks like I'll be out more money.