Sep 15, 2007 20:37
some ramblation...
Back at a time when I was in fine fettle, a couple of years ago, I think? it occured to me that I could perhaps (after much study) provide a rare service in bodywork and/or massage, in particular for transgender people. I thought, and perhaps think, that a good combination would be to study- not nessesarily in this order -
1) some form(s) of bodywork one can do through clothes, for people who need/want to maintain that protection. Variants for working with/around binding and/or padding or structural garments.
2) `medical' massage, useful in assisting with healing from surgery.
3) maybe lymphatic drainage, as that too is useful in surgery recovery - though
4) ongoing gender and a bunch of other awareness workshops (and independant study).
The idea here, I think would be to assist people with feeling as easy and comfortable as possible in thier bodies, whatever their current configuration. Not being at all judgemental of people who choose to re-form themselves, but rather, working with what they have/are now, and helping them to `settle in' with any changes wrought.
Of course, that may be tricky as all heck. I have a bucket or two of my own issues around body, gender, fat, ease, emotions that seem to lurk in the persistent tensions of my person... urgh. And of course there's the usual roster of inflicted-abuse-related-damage that every/any group will have, and which trans folks are generally in particular danger of having aimed at them. Perhaps also a study in the psychological connections...
Definately, I oughta ask around, especially `round the SF bay, where there are quite a few bodyworkers and massage therapists as well as gender non-conforming folks! Very likely there's already been a few people who have done this... But that's rather scary. I hate to - generally don't even think of - ask for help.
Plus, doing that research and making those inquiries would be kinda like the notion I've heard of `putting it out there to the universe'...announcing it to humans and anyone else that you're, uh, vibrating in a direction and, hoping that perhaps something/one will resonate... And I'm not sure I'm ready to actually act.
More musings - pain and/or sex - stay tuned ;)