Well, this is very shiny. Where should I start??? Ah! How about the part where Taichou gets sick?
Taichou got sick. She was barfing and cramping and tummy-aching and head-pounding the whole time we were in Seattle (for the third time in two weeks) visiting my grandma and grandpa. This continued into Monday, so she couldn't come to camp and swim with me. That made me and mom a little concerned, but we thought it was just a bug. The next day, when we were scheduled to leave for camp to go acctually camping, she still felt icky. To make a long story (and argument) short, she ended up staying home.
She can tell you the story of her little adventure, and I'll tell you mine. Here is my camping trip without Taichou.
Well, since Claire, Marie, Taichou, and Jessie, my usual bunkmates, were all gone, I slept by myslelf for the first night, and the tent was very roomy. It was kind of cool, even though I missed Taichou a little. However, that also meant I had none of my normal friends. So, who did I hang out with the whole trip? The boys, of course.
My group of people consisted of: Jason, a fourteen year old guy who is good at just about every physical activity known to man. Tall, really strong (he picked me up and threw me across the pool two dozen times on Monday), and generaly good guy.
Jeremey, the only guy in history (besides Eric, but he doesn't count, because he's thirty-six years old and seven feet tall) that I haven't been able to dunk in the pool. I even got Jason. Jeremy is a blackbelt in martial arts, and he's really good at fighting. Whooped my ass several times. But he cheats (twisting arms, kicking in the balls [the other guys], and splashing water in the eyes).
Griffin, aka Griffindor, the "fat guy". He wasn't really that fat, the rest of the boys are just skinnier than him. He's good at football. Nickname (from the other guys): Pillsbury(sp??) Doughboy. He makes weird noises when people poke him in the stomach.
Nick G. (for Gobal). He reminds me SO much of the other Nick it's not even funny. Listen to this: Nick punches me, pulls out my hair, harasses me when he gets bored, is about an inch taller than me, and gets his ass whooped by inanimate objects. Gobal taught me to play magic while I was there, and was constantly trying to drown me when we went swimming. Sound like anyone we know??? ^_^
Hunter, a newbie, eleven years old and acts like it. Nickname; Baldie. He's not really bald, he just has really short, bleach-blonde/white hair. There was an incident with him, and he is now thoroughly disliked by just about the entire camp, which is really unfortunate, because I think he has a crush on me (AKA, is really nice to me and tries really hard to get my attention, making it hard for me to hate him. Definately a crush). I'll get to that later.
That's about it, along with a few occasional tagalongs for soccer, football, swiming, or the like. Also, I ended up spending a fair amount of time with Holly and her friends, but that's a result of us bunking together at one point, and the incident.
Well, other than that, there was football in the large feild beside the campground, soccer, and swimming in the river. The football and soccer was really just varied forms of pass and keepaway with diffrent forms of a ball.
This entry is really long already, and I abreviated it alot, but I have one more thing to tell you about. The incident with Holly and Hunter (Baldie).
The incident I'm referring to, which I didn't acctually see for myself, involved a couple of Bachi balls (it's a game with small bowling balls that isn't really important, just that said Bachi balls were very solid and very heavy), and what may have been a broken finger.
Hunter, however it happened, rolled said Bachi ball directly at one of the Bachi balls that Holly was picking up, and her fingers got smashed between them. Broken or not, she was in a lot of pain, and (I heard this from people who hates his guts, so I dont' know), supposedly, Hunter didn't apologize until the teachers told him to. And not very sincerely, either.
I don't know what to think, but Holly is a nice girl, and as far as I know, Hunter is a nice boy, so...
The guys I hang out with (who do not like Hunter, for whatever reason) were planning to tipii (sp???) his tent, and I was this close to helping them. I was pretty ticked off. However, the teachers were very strict about no pranks, and said that people who did pull pranks might not be able to come back. I don't know if that's not to camp, this trip in particular, or what, but I didn't do it. Nobody else did.
That is my camping trip, and anyone who reads all of this and/or comments on it will get a cookie. Thanx! ^_^ Much love,