Dec 23, 2006 14:46
So I'm back home again. Tis Christmas time.
I really loved christmas time on campus. It was actually happy for a change. It's gonna sound dumb, but I actually forgot how great christmas time actually could be. Happiness?! What the hell?
I come home, and what do i wake up to this morning? My mom screaming and cursing how much she hates christmas. In her case I don't blame her. It makes me hate christmas time aswell and remember here at home why, for so long, i've hated it. I could make a list,... but i really don't want to.
I just want to be back at college. How the hell am I going to survive the summer?
I love freedom.
I love a half-way clean living space.
I love lack of stress.
I love lack of family conflicts.
I love how if u don't have money it really doesn't matter.
But! on the bright side of all of this I get to hang out with my lil brother here at home, and there's a chance i might get to see some of my high school friends again!
Gotta Look at the Good! :D :D :D