May 29, 2006 19:24
*Refering to my title: hopefully not literallyyyyyyy...*
Summer is almost here! No wait *zooms to the left in an uber X-men fashion* HERE!! No wait! *slaps exams out of the way with super fervor* It's right here!
I can't wait! two more days of possibly grueling but most likely easy exams and then it's back to summer bliss and utter ignorance of the high school microcosm we are all so obsessivley locked into.
I <3 the summer. i'm such a summer child. I was born in July, so I guess I have to be. I love the sun, love the water and the waves and running around barefoot on sand and having an amazing time going places and hanging out and swimming and reading on my patio while simultaneously attempting to brave a real tan *which is my way of multitasking*, vegging out and listening to music, relaxing, relaxing, relaxing...
really enjoying life. All of it.
The best part of summer is that there's no strict, walled in time frame. Days loll by, free spirited, amiable, just like us. It's great. My obsessive compulsive CHD type A personality subsides with summer's forthcoming. School becomes a far off attraction, like watching a snow globe after you've shaken it.
Summer offers challenge and adventure, and yes, it can be boring too. But it's great. And I can't believe it's almost here!
And I'm just as excited for band camp. Oh man!!! <3 <3 <3 *must throw in more* <3 <3 <3
Wow, I'm in such a good mood. I went to the mall to buy my mom a b-day gift today. Bought her both Dirty Dancings... b/c we <3 them and always watch them together. I bought myself some last minute camp stuff, some cute jewelry from claires, and the original FOB cd (Take this to your grave) as well as (a new fav band) the Flaming Lip's "at War with the Mystics" cd. Me amo! And I've been half-ass studying for spanish, not worried about psych at all.
I feel like I'm coming down with a mild case of pre-emptive senoritis and feel the need to go exterminate it with a slice of chocolate cake and spanish vocab.
I <3 you guys! Can't wait for the bliss!
And since I'm leaving June 3, I will give everyone my camp address soon so you guys can write or send e-mails (please please please please.) so you can share your boredom and love. i love love. it's a good thing to have. hokay, going to battle that feeling of lazi/procrastinationess now.
<3 <3,