Ah, it's come round once again. That special time of year when the varied and diverse countries of Europe can come together to collectively hate England:
Eurovision Song Contest
American presenter, whut? Since when were the Americans part of Europe? And witness Wogan's blatant hatred of her and her AMAZING-ness. "She's bubbly, isn't she..." translation = 'I want to kill her. With a mallet.'
Wogan rocks. He is so the reason to watch this programme.
some highlights of the show... =_=
Moldova - there's a country called Moldova? And it's in Europe?
Spain - omgwtf. Trannie ballet dancer and extrememly bad singing speaking. Weren't Las Ketchup popular a few years ago? Love Wogan's comment at the end: "Spain. Well, they lost the plot years ago" XDXD~!
Malta - There's a country called Malta? etc
Germany - apparently has been secretly invaded by Bush. wtfcountry.
Why do they all sing in English?
Russia - 0____________________0 Did someone superglue that guy’s feet to the floor?
Lithuania - omg. Footie hooligans. 0________0
Wow, that song was written three minutes before the show.
England - oh god. The shame. His name is Daz for Christ's sake. And he looks like a crazed banana. How did England come to this? 1906 - most powerful nation on earth, 2006 - embarrassing self at crap pop festival. Someone hide us, for the love of god. Hide our nation's shame.
Finland - ONLY ORIGINAL THING ON THE MENU. and points for NOT being in white...
France - Feels like I'm being poked in the ears by a five-year old with a crayon and too much time on his hands. So far out of tune, it's a different tune.
Sweden - where are my beautiful blonde women, huh? WHERE?!?!!
Germany. wtfhorseback. Strange, strange nation. o______0
And every year everyone in Britain sits there shouting at the TV during voting. "If it weren't for us you wouldn't be free, ungrateful small European countries!! You want to be ruled by the Nazis? Huh? The least you could do is vote for us..." ::cries:: we are such a stupid nation
Because all of Europe hates Britain. This is what we learn from this competition.
But so pleased Finland won. Go death metal. Who bets next year all the groups will be dressed up like Orcs?
Haha. We suck. Europe sucks. Everywhere sucks.
Yay~! //DORKS
Ah... I'm going to watch more Meine Liebe~! ^^ Lui/Naoji and Orphe/Camus... There has to be some boy-smoochies sometime, if I only keep watching... XD
Also I probably should do some work. Given that I have four exams tomorrow...
Wish me luck nya~!
//Edit: just realised how crazed that entry was. blame it on the 6 glasses of lemonade I have already had today. mad sugar rush yo.