Went to look round Oxford University on Saturday~~~ And I met MYSELF!! Well, the male version. Literally the same person. Same bladder control and everything. We dorked around together talking about 'that nutter' Gackt, forks and bananas. Then at lunch we got left behind because we went to the loo so we wandered round Oxford together and went into this random museum. There was much fun. And I completely forgot until about 30 minutes after I left to get any contact details. Ah well, we're applying for all the same unis, I'll probably see him again XDXD
桜蘭高校ホスト部 (Ouran High School Host Club) pwns meh.
The excitement! The high-jinks! The twincest!
Yeah. This series has reduced me to mindless drooling and sudden laughter. Cannot wait now for Episode 6.
Episode 2 of Strawberry Panic ^^ so cute~! more so than maria-sama, i think Shame I haven't been able to get hold of Episode 1... T^T
Episode 1 of Gakuen Heaven Nya~! Not as gripping as Ouran but still promising ^^ Mmm... Episode 2 should be good... And I love the uber-gay opening sequence. Plus 'BL Academy' ----> dahaha XDXD how subtle.
Episode 1 & 2 Meine Liebe I'm liking this (plus playing the opening theme on repeat) hoping some definite yaoi is going to develop... (hopefully between Camus and... well... anyone, really ^^ )
Plus my new Moi dix Mois: Beyond the Gate & Malice Mizer: La Collection des Singles Merveilles arrived today yay~!
So what with taking the day off because I had a splitting migraine this morning, I haven't done that much work today... Eheheh...
I had my first AS-level on Monday T^T General Studies Scientific... It was ok... Had to write an essay on transport and the environment =_= Gah... How boring...
And we don't go on study leave until the end of the week, but next week I have Maths Pure 1 & 2 and General Studies Politics & Culture on Monday four exams on one day T^T and Japanese and Stats on Wednesday... When am I meant to do revision again?
Oh yeah - when I'm too busy watching anime
At least I got to miss my last lesson with Mrs Findlay,the teacher who hates me...
Hope everyone's well~! ♥ ♥ ♥