Is it sad that I'm more excited about a TV programme than my birthday? ...

Aug 04, 2005 20:24

Sunday had lunch with Tom ^^ Saw him again Wednesday... We generally hung around, played LOTR games ::dorks:: Which I am crap at, btw... I just randomly hackslashchop and yell things at the screen like "Eat this, bitch!" and "You fight like your mother!", which doesn't have much effect on fictitious Uruk-hai. But whatever ^^ Also watched Dark Water (the Japanese version). Child falls into water tank and haunts other kid's mother. Pretty much the same as the Ring, but without the deer.

Today I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again with Fol ^_^ Two trains in a row were cancelled - this is bad even for England (Land of the Crap Rail Service), so that's saying something. In the end mum took me into Guildford in the car... After I'd bought a ticket! Waste of two quid. And the payphone outside the station ate about 30p before I got it to work ::grumblegrumble:: But anywho, finally got there, had cha han at Wagamama's ^^ then went to the Odeon. Saw advert for On A Clear Day which is coming out September 2nd ^^ I must go see it!! Even if not for the actual movie... Just for Billy XD (yes, I am this shallow...)

The film of course was great, and still as entertaining as ever ^^ Flo and I were dreadful though - every time Christopher Lee came on we launched into Saruman!Mode: "When you come back, I shan't be here anymore. I will be mustering an Orc army to lay siege to Gondor!! Mwahahaha!!!" And his Chocolate!Palantir.

Then I went and bought (hysterical) cheese. Felt a bit of a twit, randomly buying a piece of cheese and wandering around town with it, but there we go. Anyone who threatens my cheese threatens me... And I told her the story of Patty and Mo (short for Morence) who are of no relation to us, but basically Morence leaves Patty on her birthday and goes to hell for it. I hope it gave her something to think about... ^^ I should write metaphorical fiction, really... I'm so wasted on school...

Speaking of school... History essay 0_0 ----> DEADDEADDEADDEAD I am so frickin' DEAD right now. 5 pages of notes on the Russian Revolution and none of them are any use. Crappity crap crap.

So to distract myself from Depressing!Work and Being Useless at PS2 Games (which I seem to have down to a fine art) I have been playing the piano again!! zOMG like yes! Finally... it did take the score of The Return of the King to entice me back onto the piano stool though... I can play the accompaniment for Into the West and The Steward of Gondor ::billysong^^ubersquee:: and most of Twilight and Shadow... The End of All Things is farking hard though... T^T Damn triplets and quavers!! I swear, it is impossible to play triplets in one hand and quavers in the other. My timing... Well, it sucks in a BIG way... ;_;

And now because I feel like it (no, I am not sad... Well, maybe just a little bit... ^^ ):

No, I won't be doing this every day. I promise. Swear to God. And I wish I had one of them DVD-recorder-majigs... I need to record Lost and make screencaps, but I won't be able to until the DVD boxset is released, and God knows when that'll be...

And I can meet Billy Boyd (apparently) if I go to some thing in London in late August... 29th I think... Problem is, I don't wanna go alone T^T and no one else is as sad as obsessed like me... Muu~~~ And I'm going to the Reading Festival the day before, so it seems to be pushing it a bit... Oh well, I'll get there someday... ^^

lost, billy boyd, charlie and the chocolate factory

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