May 04, 2009 01:06
I am super proud of myself, I have successfully been vegan for a month. This was my original cutting off point, I was thinking I'd attempt it for a month and then go back to being simply vegetarian. Looking back after a month I don't think I will go back. Since going vegan I feel healthier, happier and more eco-friendly. I've used this month to reevaluate how I eat, how I dress and what I use to clean myself, my house and what I wear as makeup. I think as humans we should always attempt to watch what we do, and see how our decisions affect the world. As a vegan I feel better physically and emotionally and I believe I will continue unless I experience health issues.
As of late I have found myself drinking on a fairly regular basis. I was never much of a drinker but as of late I find myself enjoying several shots a night usually of vodka. I've been getting tipsy to say the least with headaches the next morning. Typing this up right now I'm feeling a bit ill to my stomach, so I think my body has learned it's least lets hope! The drinking and my addiction to vegan friendly snacks (guacamole...yuuum..) has added to my waistline, which I'm attempting to correct through raw foods. I'll try the vegan, raw food diet for at least a week so and will update with how it works.
Well, until next time hope all you stay happy and healthy! bed time for this girl :D