Jun 15, 2010 15:03

Title: When we meet again.
Author: Still me
Part: 6
Pairing: Kyumin and onkey
Genre: a little drama and maybe angst
Summary: While Kibum and Onew are searching for someone in the forest, Onew accidently hurt himself. Kibum then searched for someone to help them.


Suddenly, they saw some of the palace's guards carrying some of the villagers that were injured to the palace for treatments.

"I guess i better heal them."
Ryeowook said out of the blue after a while of silence.

"I shall come with you."


'Does this mean that she is in danger?Or is it just a trick to get us back to the village to get killed by the knights?' Kyuhyun thought to himself.

The others had already gone to bed after Henry dismissed them awkwardly.So, he was all alone outside of the cave looking at the stars while he tries to clear his thoughts and make a decision whether to go back to the village or not.

Suddenly he abruptly turned around as he felt a poke from behind.

"Can't sleep?"
Kibum asked as quietly as possible.

"Yes. My mind is not clear. What about you?"

"I slept a little but i got up a later on. It is like a habit of mine."

"How come waking up in the middle of the night become a habit of yours?"

"Well, you see, my mother really likes the stars so she would usually stay up late until dawn breaks just to look at it. That's why i would wake up at the middle of the night to accompany mother on the roof of our house."
Kibum said with sparkles in her beautiful brown orbs.

Kyuhyun was somehow captivated by Kibum's looks.

'She looks like Sungmin.' 
Kyuhyun thought before he frowned when everything came back to him and shaking his thought away.

"You know I was actually thinking whether to come to back to the village with you or not, because I am afraid that the king is asking you to trick us into coming back to the village to try and kill us again, because he did once thought that our powers were too powerful to even live so, he tried to kill us. We three felt very hurt and devastated because we did help by sealing the ghouls away."

Kibum then nodded her head in understanding.
"What about your wife and maybe your daughter?"
Kibum got a little closer to Kyuhyun than before.

"I don't have a daughter. But I think my wife is very mad at me for escaping without her. I miss her so much. I haven't seen her for so long."
Kyuhyun's eyes turned glassy. Where as Kibum only looked at the stars.

"By any chance is your wife Lee Sungmin?"
Kibum started and looked at Kyuhyun expectantly.

"H-h-h-how did you know?"
Asked the male surprised.

"I am her daughter."
Kibum said without hesitation.

"W-w-what?! So, she married another man. Probably Jungmo."
He spat bitterly.

Kibum felt very hurt at what Kyuhyun just said but she still kept on an emotionless face.

"No. Unlcle Jungmo is just mother;s friend, and she never married anyone else. Other than that my mother is not whore and she did 'it' with you so I am actually your daughter."

That triggered the deafening silence.

"I can't believe i have a daughter."
Kyuhyun said after a few minutes of silence.

"Kyu, do you mind having a baby?"

"Of course I do, honey. I know you want one, but can we wait a little bit, I-i-i am just not ready to have a child."
Kyuhyun stared at her pale face.

"Min, why are you so pale?"

"Nothing i just have a slight cold that's all."

"Alright then, please be careful I don't want you to catch a fever."

Kyuhyun felt really bad for not realizing that her wife was pregnant with his daughter earlier.

key, sungmin, kyuhyun, fanfic: when we meet again

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