Jun 13, 2010 17:35

Title: When we meet again.
Author: Still me
Part: 5B
Pairing: Kyumin and onkey
Genre: a little drama and maybe angst
Summary: While Kibum and Onew are searching for someone in the forest, Onew accidently hurt himself. Kibum then searched for someone to help them.



A gust wind with a big hole appeared and swallowed all the ugly ghouls' weapon. However the black hole didn't even effect the ghouls.


Kibum, Joghyun, Minho, Taemin, the man called Kui Xian and the woman walked through the forest where as Zhou Mi carried Onew.As they arrived at a huge cave, a girl suddenly shouted.

"Mother! Father! and Uncle Kyuhyun your back!"

Kibum froze.
'So, he is my father. Cho Kyuhyun. Guardian of fire.'

"Luna could you take the herbs for poisonous onyx?"
said the woman addressing the girl. and the girl immediately ran into the cave.

"Don't worry. You can rest here.."
the woman said as she gestured towards the cave.

"Oh, and i forgot to introduce myself. My name is Henry. The man that carried your friend here is Zhou Mi My husband, while the one that he usually call Kui Xian is actually Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun and the girl earlier was my daughter, Luna."

Jonghyun's P.O.V

i kept on staring at that girl as she helped his father treating Onew.
So beautiful.
Long hair, melodic voice that could probably swoon anyone in this area, and such beautiful features.
i mentally slapped my self.
what am i thinking?!

End P.O.V

After everyone had settled down around the fire that Kyuhyun created with his powers, Henry suddenly asked,
"What were you doing in the Riege?"

Everyone fidgeted except for Jonghyun.

"We were looking for the three missing guardians."
He said carelessly without any emotion.

The residents of the cave froze including Luna. Kibum knew that they were already busted.

"W-w-why were you looking for us?"
Zhou Mi asked, his smile long gone.

Taemin sent Kibum an apologetic smile and answered Zhou Mi's question.

"The kingdom was attacked by the ghouls that you had once seal.Since it is impossible for only twelve of the guardians to seal them once again, the kingdom sent us to ask to come back to the kingdom and assist the other guardians to seal the ghouls away again."

"The ghouls attacked the village?"
The silent Kyuhyun asked, eyes widening.

Taemin answered slightly nodding to the question.
After that everything went quiet.


"Wookie, are you alright?"
Sungmin asked as she lift Ryeowook from the ground.

"Yes, I am fine, Minnie-unnie, just a few scratches and bruises."
Ryeowook then looked around the village and sighed heavily.

"I wonder, how are going to clean this mess up?"
Ryeowook asked casually as though nothing happened, instead as though it was a mess made by Onew and Yesung.

Sungmin looked at the destroyed houses and the ugly ghouls' bodies that was scattered around.
"Probably a few months."

Sungmin replied with the same tone.
Suddenly, they saw some of the palace's guards carrying some of the villagers that were injured to the palace for treatments.

"I guess i better heal them."
Ryeowook said out of the blue after a while of silence.

"I shall come with you."

I'm sorry i couldn't update earlier but school is seriously making trouble so i hop e that this chapter will make up for it.

henry, ryeowook, kyuhyun, fanfic: when we meet again, luna, key, zhoumi, yesung, taemin, sungmin, onew, minho

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