ahaha...obsession, is that you?

Nov 07, 2010 00:01

 So. I have been attempting for a while to make a somewhat medieval Sims 'hood. Attempting herein insinuating that I dragged my feet at opening the very flawed copy of Sim City 4 I have (illegal? why, that has nothing to do with it!) to make the island I wanted to build my duchy on.

But. I finally finished that a few weekends back. It's quite good, if I do say so myself, although it has a certain lack of beaches/ports. And the terrain, while hilly and pretty, is going to suck to build on. *sad face* The rivers both turned out well, however, and looked great when tested in Sims 2 with boats and such. *happy face*

So. I thought, 'Well, time to bite the bullet and start raiding the net for CC.' Little did I know how much time that endeavor would take, largely due to internet traffic jam. I'm not sure if UMU's internet died like a cow or if it simply rejected me and my whorish downloading (muuuuu~ Translation: nooooo~). I finally got it done though - and I thought 'That wasn't so bad - can't be that much I've downloaded, and hey, maybe I'll be able to get a few more default replacements!' Yeah. .... No. Ladies and lords, I just checked my browser's downloads list - today only (ready for it?): 86. Sims downloads. (+1 BI305 group project. Which, yes, I did revision). 86! Yesterday: 7. Which gives a grand total of 93 Sims 2 downloads, purely relating to the creation of a somewhat authentic medieval 'hood.

Yeah, I've reached the point of obsession. But it's all for a good cause. All for my art. Yes, my great king,I would gladly download whore again, if for the sake of my creation(s)!!

Aha. ahaha.

Also on the note of obsessions: EEVEES!!!!!!!! FEMALE EEVEES!!!! You, person who gave them to me *cough*ES*cough*, are my BFF!!! Always!!! .... Well, okay, only until next week. 

obsessions, internet, pkmn, sims, games, friends

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