First off, hello new friends from the
tiger_and_bunny friending meme! I like to think that I am an okay person and you seem to be okay people too, so hopefully we will not rise against each other each other in fits of pique. Special shoutout to
autumnestuary, fellow SCAD student and the only one I have ever met who actually enjoyed the foundations classes. Seriously, that;s just crazy talk.
Secondly, I have managed to convince my Survey of Theater and Drama professor to let me write my research paper on how William Shakespeare is portrayed in pop culture, including specific examples, which is how I am getting to do a legitimate class assignment on Sandman, Doctor Who, and Hark! A Vagrant. Awww yeahhhh. I got skills, yo. (Admittedly she does not know those are the examples I am going to use but I will defend them with my life if she disapproves of them.)
Back on the subject of Tiger and Bunny, seriously you guys should be watching it, with every episode it becomes more and more ridiculous.Superhero moe, you guys, I can't even. Remember how I said the first episode was a cutting satire on superheroes, commercialism, and the discarding of the even-slightly-old in favor of the new and shiny? It's--it's not really like that any more. Now it is about surprise birthday parties and teamwork-based power-ups and slightly disturbing pink stuffed bunnies. Also all the gay in the world. All of it. There is no more for anything else.