Hah, I just for the first time ever commented on a
fandomsecrets post. I've been reading it for a while now with mostly mixed feelings--the stuff about guilty ships and kinks or weird-spirations is awesome, the stuff about fandom-hate and squee-harshing not so much--but any chance to tell someone they are not alone in thinking
Arakawa Under The Bridge is actually one of the sweetest romantic comedies ever is a good thing, I think. (Even if there's a typo. My love for these two transcends my love for correct spelling. Mostly.)
In other news, my dad got me a terabyte external hard drive, because he was tired of all my video files cluttering up the computer I use for vidding. Things that are good about this: terabyte external hard drive asdfghjkl; I could fit like all of Doctor Who on that thing. Things that are not good about this: realizing that Premiere Elements does not like having to re-find files and requires me to reupload every single one that I move onto the hard drive. Which takes 2-4 hours per file. Ahahahahah. Good thing I only moved over a show I'm not currently working on. I think I am going to have a talk with my dad about this, unless he plans to not have access to that computer for two solid weeks.
Right! Today I have written 1100 words, vidded 25 seconds, and drawn and inked most of two people. I feel it is now time for porn. Who's with me?