Nov 17, 2010 00:51
--is it considered bad form to look through the Yuletide post with all the links to the Dear Yulegoat letters and be all, " *_* I WANT TO BE ASSIGNED TO THAT PERSON OH MAN", because. That is kind of what I have been doing.
it is more likely that you will be assigned to someone who has more than one matching fandom with you, right? Because there are actually a couple instances of that and man I did not even know that was a thing that was possible but hey, apparently multiple people have the same Obviously Excellent tastes as I do. AND I WANT TO WRITE FOR THEM.
Yuletide excitement aside--eeeeeeeee Yuletiiiiiide--it is the last week of the quarter, and I will be going home in a few days! Every time I go on break I tell myself that this is the break I will Be Productive and Do Things, and mostly that does not turn out to be the case, but this time, this time, I will do the hell out of everything. Vids! Yuletide! A fanart competition Funimation is running! Origfic! Therefore you should all hold me accountable if six weeks pass and I do not do anything. Not that that will happen, but, you know, in case.
One of the great perils of having 1) your own debit card and 2) free two-day shipping at Amazon is that sometimes you end up buying things you probably did not immediately need to. That's how I got Let The Right One In, and that's how I have now acquired the fourth volume of Pet Shop of Horrors and the first two volumes of Pet Shop of Horrors Tokyo, eheh. I am paying off my piracy! --okay, I am not really paying off my piracy for the fourth volume because you cannot actually buy PSoH new and I had to get it from the one used seller who had the free shipping, but nevertheless I am totally making up for things. With the side benefit of getting to actually own one of my favorite manga ever. I sometimes find myself staring at them greedily, fantasizing about how I will organize them with the rest of my stuff when I get home. Trufax: when I was in my days of buying up all of Sandman, Fables, and Y: The Last Man, every time I picked up a volume in a store, I would immediately hug it to me and stroke it, because I am a massive creeper. I JUST LIKE OWNING THINGS, OKAY.
I do not know why Pet Shop of Horrors has been on my mind lately! It just kind of has. I do not talk about it very often because I am pretty sure none of you have ever read it and very few of you even know what it is, but, um, one of my favorite manga ever, so yeah. I could wax rhapsodic about how I actually kind of liked the notably traumatic ending of the original series, or how it needs to be crossed over with Due South right this instant oh man you do not even know, or, okay, actually, the list of things that need to be crossed over with Pet Shop of Horrors is kind of seriously immense (obvious xxxHolic is obvious, Doctor Who, Yotsuba&!--can you even imagine what sort of pet she would get, or, alternately, hey Koiwai is kind of vague about where he adopted her from--both Baccano! and Durarara!! (immortals in the criminal underworld hello, and I bet Celty's bike still totally qualifies as a horse), and if nobody stops me I am just going to list off everything I like ever. D would totally be fascinated by Duck and and mmf.
y: the last man,
petshop of horrors,
due south,
i like books,
i like comics,
doctor who,
let the right one in