MORE MONSTER GENDERSWAP this time with at least one actual Y chromosome
BUT WHAT WOULD EVERYONE'S NAMES BE. I am lame enough to look up this sort of thing on Google, and my searches lead me to conclude thus:
Tenma obviously stays the same, because, uh, family names do not tend to change based on your gender. But his personal name should totally be Kei, which means 'lucky' and 'happy. I LIKE IRONY OKAY. There is not really a female equivalent for Dieter, but Dietricha is apparently a legitimate name! (And it means the same thing as Dieter anyway, viz., 'leader of nations' yeah I don't know either.) JOHAN, ON THE OTHER HAND, IS VERY EASY I actually knew a girl named Johanna in elementary school but I do not think she was much of a sociopath. You never know, though! And Nina is going to have to settle for Nikolaus. But she probably won't mind. why yes I am having a very productive last week of break
I am rewatching Princess Tutu, since I got the DVD, and I actually quite like the dub! I am always happy to acquire further evidence that I am not a sub snob; in this instance, everyone sounded pretty much exactly like I thought they would, right down to Mytho having all the volume and inflection of a depressed brick (and with the same amount of common sense, although that is a constant no matter which langauge you are listening in). This does not stop me from cringing at their translation of -senpai, though; I understand that not everyone who buys anime DVDs is automatically familiar with Japanese, and the series does not actually take place in Japan anyway, but I do not think there is any English-speaker in the world who would refer to an older student as 'Senior Mytho'. Some series keep the honorifics! WHY CAN'T EVERYTHING BE MADE TO MY EXACTING SPECIFICATIONS.
Today I 1) got a much shorter haircut which looks a bit, uh, vertical at the moment but will probably tame down after I sleep on it, and 2) spent the last of my Christmas money on very useful and practical things, by which I mean the fourth volume of Monster, the sixth volume of Holic, the second volume of Kyou Kara Maou, and the first volume of Tsubasa. Entertainment is very practical! Very practical. It has occurred to me that I have to take quite a bit of what I've acquired over break back to college with me so my friends can read it, so, uh, I hope my carry-ons are largely collapsible. In any case! Here is an end-of-the-year meme, since why not.
1. Your main fandom of the year?
Hetalia, fo'sho. I only wrote two real fics for it, but it's got the only fanworks comm I check regularly, and at this point I consider it my fandom default.
2. Your favorite film watched this year?
I watched many films I liked! Up, District 9, NuTrek...I am not really a person of favorites.
3. Your favorite book read this year?
...sadly I did not read a lot of book-books this year. By which I mean, I can only remember one: Brainwave, written by my granddaddy. It is interesting! And short!
4. Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
...I really really like the Holy Roman Empire version of Marukaite Chikyuu, okay, it is awesome
5. Your favorite TV show of the year?
The one that airs in five hours, asdfghjkl;
6. Your favorite LJ community of the year?
hetalia was the main one I checked out, and it's rather a lovely one--sure, I don't actually watch it and instead keep it in a separate tab so as to avoid the endless posts, but it's decidedly wank-free and it gives much joyous art and fic and translations.
7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
In terms of actual fandom, gotta be Hetalia. Much as I madly love all my other new series, I haven't really delved into their fandoms yet.
8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
What's that? There are fandoms whose canons aren't 99% perfect at what they're supposed to be? Man, the people in those fandoms must be sad. < /overlysmug>
9. Your TV boyfriend of the year?
You remember
this Kate Beaton strip? Of course you do, it's Kate Beaton. But in any case, replace the 'sl' in that strip with 'nm' and you pretty much have my answer. OR YOU COULD JUST GUESS, IT'S REALLY NOT THAT HARD
10. Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Sadly there has not been a female character who jumped out quite as much to me, but then it would be pretty hard to jump out quite as much as the previous answer to me anyway. Still, there are some worth mentioning--Yuuko, Nice, female Tenma, wait there was Donna wasn't there! Man, I keep forgetting what things have happened this year. IN THAT CASE DONNA, YES DEFINITELY.
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Hmmmmmm. Realizing that Dieter was sticking around? Reading Buon San Valentino for the first time? Discovering that dub!Nice has the same voice as dub!Yuuko? (Only one of you will know why that is awesome, but hey.) Probably I am forgetting some.
12. The most missed of your old fandoms?
Ah, well, I still think of the old days in Heroes sometimes. It was really nice being in a fandom the majority of your flist shared. Really, really nice.
13. The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Most of the things I like these days do not have very big fandoms, sadly! (And I'm not sufficiently up-to-date with their respective canons anyway.)
14. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Catching up on as many things as I can, the Hetalia movie (god knows what they'll do with it), the second season of Kuroshitsuji (see previous parentheses), hopefully making some of those vids and AMVs I keep thinking about--ooh, and the arrival of my Baccano! DVD, which is totally something to be anticipated, shut up.