of course, this assumes there are any of you who are familiar with all of these, which. is unlikely.

Jun 21, 2009 12:24

List 10 of your favorite characters from different fandoms, and ask people to spot patterns in your choices, and if they're so inclined, to draw conclusions about you based on the patterns they've spotted.

Hetalia: You now, I used to think it was Italy, but loving him is very difficult if you have an embarrassment squick. :\ Thus I have come to the realization that it's probably England, wonderful bitchy former delinquent that he is. ♥
Supernatural: Deeeeeean.
Doctor Who: Leeeet's go with Donna, because otherwise I'd be here forever trying to decide.
Psych: Shawn!
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Harry in all his rambly hapless glory.
Chuck: I do adore Bryce, but actually it is probably Chuck himself.
Full Metal Alchemist: Ed you are so adorably damaged, I kind of wish you could be happy but I know you never will. Poor thing.
Leverage: Hardison is my main man and I will hear no different.
Reaper: Sammy my boy! Someday I'll watch your second season. Someday.
Dexter: Gotta get another girl on here, so let's throw out glorious foul-mouthed badass Deb. (Rita is also awesome. I, er, flipped a coin on this one. *cough*)

chuck, reaper, supernatural, fullmetal alchemist, dexter, doctor who, ain't no het in hetalia, kiss kiss bang bang, i has a meme, leverage, psych

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