And now, Comic-Con pictures! Organized behind cuts for your convenience, but beware--there's a lot of them.
The writers and associated Whedons were the first to come on--Joss on the far right, then Zack, Marissa, and, er, the other one. *hangs head for not knowing*
I tried to weed out all the blurry pictures, but this was the only one I managed to get of NPH wielding the death ray, so you're just going to have to deal with it.
Nathan Fillion helping NPH into his seat for some reason. Awww!
The cast being fascinated by the table and the left side of the room while Joss fields questions.
Death ray!
Simon Helbourg was very quiet for most of the panel--the others joked about how much of a loudmouth he was.
NPH looking smug.
Apparently Felicia Day was just walking around the con--my brother saw her, as did my parents, and most of the cartoonists I asked for sketches. But not me. Not me.
This may or may not have been the time Nathan Fillion started talking about his penis and wouldn't stop.
NPH fielding some question or another.
I'm...really not sure what's going on here.
And thus, they leave! No more panel. Sorrow.
This is from the Dr. Horrible screening--they all popped up at the beginning and then ran off when it started, and they showed up again after it finished. NPH jumped onto and off the stage. So cute.
Most of the cast, at a horrible angle--I wasn't in the best seat to be taking pictures of the closest screen.
Tim Kring holding up the DVD with the episode on it while Adrian sneaks behind everybody and films the audience. Awww.
Probably this was after the episode aired (they didn't stay for it), unless it wasn't. Sendhil contemplates the water pitcher.
Everyone's applauding! For, um, something?
More applauding, complete with standing up. Maybe this was when they came back after the episode.
I tried to get pictures of all the cast members, but some--including two attempts at Adrian--turned out blurry or awkward, alas. Cristine Rose! During the Q&A, someone said how happy they were she finally got added to the regular cast list. The audience approved of this.
Jack Coleman!
Masi Oka, just verging on the edge of an unfortunate expression!
Greg Grunberg!
Dania Ramirez! Awww, she's so sweet. I hope Maya gets more to do this season.
Zachary Quinto and his magnificent hat. Oh, Zach.
Ali Larter! When all the cast members were being introduced, Tim also said their character names--but for her, all he said was, "well, let's just go with Ali Larter". MYSTERIOUS.
Sendhil Ramamurthy, still with his good friend the water pitcher.
James Kyson Lee, having the time of his life.
One of the guys during the Q&A. Everyone on the panel loved the costume.
Zachary and Dania being adorable. (This may have been when a little kid said Sylar was his favorite hero. That was an odd moment.)
Another person from the Q&A--ah, this was the creepy one. She asked Zachary what it was like to play the sexiest villain ever, or something like that. I can't recall his answer, but he seemed amused by the question.
Some of the cast, applauding as they leave--I tried to grab more of them, but they moved too quickly.
The only Dr. Horrible whose picture I managed to take. He even has the coat right! Nobody had the exact goggles, though.
I didn't get any pictures of Drunken Boba Fett In A Lounge Suit and Darth Vader In A Smoking Jacket from the front, alas...
..but I did at least get one that showed the wine glass.
I can only agree with the sentiment.
I don't know what the heck this thing is, but it was wandering around the hall where I was waiting in line for...the Joss panel? I think? Anyway, a bunch of screaming anime people had just ran down the hall doing the caramelldansen (with a boombox playing the music) and the convention staff had put a stop to that in short order, so this guy, to express his sorrow, lay down next to one of the walls. I really don't know.
And here he is upright. Seriously, what is he? A turnip?
The Littlest Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett, hugging someone for a camera. D'aww.
A somewhat better picture of them--I think they were sisters or something; Sweeney was definitely a girl, and they looked a fair bit alike. I haven't the faintest idea how old they were. Fourteen? Thirteen? Twelve?
A somewhat crappy shot of Harley Quinn, Leather Catwoman, and Poison Ivy.
THE GREATEST DOCTOR WHO COSPLAY EVER. All ten Doctors (including three different Tens), plus Donna, Rose, Jack, Gwen, Turlough, Ace, and either two different Brigs or the Brig and Benton. Eight is a bit obscured here, unfortunately. But aren't they all awesome?
The book itself! I got it when I first visited SCAD, that was almost a full year ago, wasn't it? Eesh. Anyway, it's about the size of my hand, and it's very spiffy, though it's not quite standard, as you'll see.
The picture quality on some of these is...unfortunate. But I hope messing around with Contrast/Brightness in Photoshop helped a bit. This is by Aaron Williams, and I think it's my favorite--the laughter is self-evident, and the text at the bottom reads 'Dr. Horrible - "laugh practice" '. As you can see, the book has panels in it. Not sure why. Note also that he got the coat wrong. Everyone did. Hell, I did when I first drew the guy. I guess it's hard to remember.
Scott Kurtz--I had to shell out $20 for this, dammit, and he didn't even get the line right. But it is a pretty cool sketch.
David Willis--"Always playing a doctor". I like the quietly horrified look in his eyes. And, yes, the coat's wrong.
Steve Troop--"We love you, Captain Hammer!" "I want to have your baby"
Howard Taylor. Awww, tear. (Coat: wrong.)
Phil Foglio, and I can't figure out if that's supposed to be a "..." or a "ooo", but it's probably the first one. The coat is a lie.
Gabe/Michael Krahulik. Doesn't he look like a ferret? At least he remembers the coat has buttons rather than lapels.
Kristofer Straub, who also remembered the buttons but not, alas, where they were located. I'm quite fond of this one, actually.
Dave Kellett, who hadn't actually seen it, but cobbled this together by looking at the others. He, Kris Straub, and the next guy were all sitting next to each other (they're part of a webcomics group). He has an excuse for not getting the coat right, because nobody else did.
Brad Guigar, who hadn't seen it either, and actually got a real reference--there was a guy standing next to me who pulled out his video iPod and showed him a screenshot--but cut it off below the neck. The coat, it has no luck. I like how happy he looks here, though. I said in the cut tag, there's a story behind this one. You see, I was at another webcomics group booth--I read some of them, but not all of them, and everyone had their badges turned around, so I couldn't see any of the cartoonists' names. So I didn't know which ones were the ones I didn't read. So, when I asked this guy if he'd heard of Dr. Horrible, and he said no, and I finally saw his badge and realized he was one of the ones I didn't read, I couldn't think of any of his characters for him to draw, and I panicked and just asked for the first thing I could think of, which was: a dog. I don't know. So: Sam Brown. A dog. Without a coat.
Jon Rosenberg, who evidently thinks mad scientists have to be both definitions of 'mad'. The coat, however, is saddened.
Steven Notley, who is actually a much better artist than this, and seemed kind of sheepish when he handed it back to me--he'd only seen the trailer, and I'm pretty sure he was a little out of his depth. The final sketch, and, appropriately enough, one of the ones with the wrongest coats. And the only one to have him actually wearing the goggles.
AND THERE YOU GO. San Diego Comic-Con, 2008, the first time I ever brought a camera, but likely not the last. Fuck, I just spent an hour on this. Time to go do something vaguely more productive.