and now i want to read all of these, dammit

Jul 03, 2008 09:28

Ship meme? Ship meme! It's better than being productive. (Note: is not actually better than being productive.)

"One true foursome" ship:

Hmmmm. This is...kind of tricky, actually. On one hand, I adore the adorable OT4 of McKay-Sheppard-Teyla-Ronon; on the other hand, I am sort of wondering if Sarah Jane-Maria-Luke-Clyde-Maria's Dad counts. (Judging by that apparently Maria's actor is leaving and thus taking her dad with her, apparently not. Snf.) I could even say Doctor-Rose-Mickey-Jackie, because I'll never grow tired of that group hug in The Christmas Invasion. Or any of their bits together in The Christmas Invasion, really. But...I think I'll stick with McKay-Sheppard-Teyla-Ronon; they've got the most backstory, and the longest-lasting connection, and it is doubtful that any of them will ever leave the show. Go go Team Pegasus!

"Canon" ship:

Nathan and Heidi! Nathan and Heidi! Well, actually I'm sort of inclined to think she's too good for him, but they were married and they had adorable kids and I maintain that I would like them to try to patch things up. (I'm also quite fond of Sandra/Noah, for similar reasons.)

"Not quite canon but should be" ship:

Jack/Hand? You know it's true.

"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship:

I could say Doctor/Rose, but I actually do like them quite a bit, just without, you know, the sex thing. So, let's go with...Nathan/Niki, since Peter/Claire kind of is never ever going to happen on network television thank god. Nathan/Niki, well, they've both got their own issues to sort out plus I think Niki really needs to learn how to do things without a man pushing her along, and of course nobody should get into a relationship with Nathan unless they're prepared for epic levels of Petrelli crazy. I mean, if Heidi could barely take it...

"You are one sick bastard" ship:

Erm...John/Dean? DON'T LOOK AT ME I CAN'T HELP IT. It's just, just--*flails* I don't know what it's just! I just like it! If I could tell you why, I would!

"I dabble a little" ship:

Peter/Adam or Hiro/Kensei, I suppose, with the stipulation that Hiro/Kensei should be unrequited on Kensei's part. Hiro = no sex plz. Peter/Adam, well, it's fun and messed-up, although of course I'd never think anything lasting would work.

"It's like a car crash" ship:

Mohinder/Sylar? Although I don't really read that any more. Actually, I don't read Heroes fanfic at all, any more (yes, yes, I know, I'm sad too, but for some reason I'm actively not interested in it right now). Still, it's pretty car-crashy, you gotta admit.

"Tickles my fancy but not quite sold yet" ship:

Honestly, I'm not hard to sell. You give me a pairing, I give it the once-over, I approve or I don't. It's just that some stuff is harder to find than others, and thus I'm less familiar with it. That being, Doctor/Romana? I approve of it in that she is Smart and one of the very few companions to come up with technological solutions before the Doctor did, and also that it's one of the very few approaching-equal relationships, what with her being a pretty talented Time Lord in her own right and thus quite capable of dealing with things if she got stranded on an alien planet. Which, you know, she actually sort of did, and she did it on purpose. On the other hand, I don't really want to read about Four having sex. Such a dilemma.

"Makes no canon sense but why they hell not" ship:

JACK/OWEN. Look, just one one-night stand, Owen can insist it never happened, Jack can shrug and go about his business...I just think it'd be hot and messed-up, is all.

"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship:

First season of Torchwood, I found Jack/Ianto to be so poorly-carried out that, even if under different circumstances I would have liked the pairing, I just thought it was boooriiiing. It made no sense, there wasn't any great tension, and I still can't reconcile the events of Cyberwoman with the stopwatch in They Keep Killing Suzie. Now I enjoy it on a reasonably pleasant level, though, since the second season actually bothered to go with, y'know, logic and chemistry. So maybe this doesn't really count here. But, eh. I felt like mentioning it.

"When all is said and done" ship:

I suppose I'll go back to Nathan and Peter eventually. I never thought I'd say this, but they're so...uncomplicated, compared to the clusterfuck of insanity and multiple incarnations and paradoxes and attempts at murder and hatesex and only-pretending-to-be-hatesex that is Doctor/Master. On the other hand, I really like that clusterfuck. Am I allowed to have two "when all is said and done" ships? I am deciding that I am.

"Guilty pleasure" ship:

Er...Ten/Jack. (I maintain that Nine's Issues would make it damn-near impossible, but Ten was a little more...flexible, as it has been noted.) LOOK, I ONLY READ IT FOR THE SEX. The hot, hot, commitment-free sex. I could also mention Five/Adric, but does it really count as a guilty pleasure if it's a guilty pleasure you've never actually read? Well, okay, there was one fic, but then it ended with them killing the Master and Five being totally okay with that, and that just kind of turned me off. And that was pretty much the only one.

"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship:

Um...I'm sure there's something...*wracks brain* Ooh, wait, quite recently I read a Ten/Sarah Jane fic with actual (not-terribly-explicit) sex and everything. It was funny! And sweet! And she was on top, which is pretty much the only way I'd accept it anyway. So I guess I can believe that I read it and liked it. But it's hard to think of other stuff.

Favourite older/younger ship:

Well...I guess, by very definition, Five/Adric would be about the greatest age difference ever. It's not one of my mainstays, though. Nathan and Peter have a twelve-year difference (by my count, anyway), and I do love them to bits, so, uh, them?

My first, "I could never abandon you" ship:

Aziraphale/Crowley, my first real branch out into LJ fandom, and for which I still have a soft spot, even if I don't really read it any more. Good Omens fandom is just so...comforting. No ship wars, no wank, even the stories tend to be fairly's a tiny little section of bliss on the internet, and that's always a good thing. Plus, it's my favorite book, and I will love everyone in it forever. They're like family. Dysfunctional, apocalyptic family.

Favourite devotion ship:

Can't beat the brothers whose literally undying love saved the world twice, yo. Gimme some props for my Petrelli homeboys.

Favourite never-met ship:

For the record, I secretly shipped Jack/Sarah Jane before that wee bit of flirting in The Stolen Earth, so, nyaaah. I just like the idea that maybe back in the nineties they were coincidentally working on the same adventure and then ran into each other and bickered about how to best solve the problem and then she stole his gun and solved the problem herself and he's had a crush on her ever since. It's since been Jossed into that they've never met before, but hey, it could still happen.

Favourite "Awwww!" ship:

Ned/Chuck, or, I suspect, Middleman/Wendy is starting its slow climb up to the top. (Look, Ned/Chuck is just blatant and in-your-face, and Middleman/Wendy is subtler and still in that wonderful unrequited zone, and I do love me some good unrequited.) Or, of course, there's my gen ship of Nathan-Hiro, which is just twelve kinds of adorable all around.

Favourite perverted ship:

The aforementioned John/Dean? Can't really think of anything more actively perverted than that.

Favourite dominance!battle ship:

selenak said, Doctor/Master is the undisputed champion of this. I mean, you have canonical swordfights and mental duels and the way that every single Delgado!Master episode was basically a tango between him and the Doctor, and also the guy's name is the Master, how much more dominant can you get?

omg other characters, apparently i really like the master, the middleman, stargates of one kind or another, supernatural, heroes, doctor who, torchwood, sarah jane adventures, omg petrellis, i has a meme, good omens, pushing daisies, yes i am really very odd

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