So I guess there's a girlcrush meme going around? And I figured, hey, why not. (This appears to be my response to all memes.) So, in no particularly save for the last one who really kcomes first:
1. Eve Myles
She's got big eyes and a great toothy smile and long hair I actually like (I tend to like shoulder-length hair on women), and her accent is pure adorable sex and by all accounts she's a pretty fun person, so, hell, yes. I suspect she is the reason Gwen is growing on me.
2) Rena Sofer
I love those eyes of hers. They are friggin' awesome eyes. Plus, I prefer dark hair to blond, and her hair in this picture is very nice. (Hair is a Thing with me, though moreso with men.) It is, I assure you, utterly coincidental that she plays one of my favorite characters in Heroes.
3/4) Emma Thompson and Meryl Streep
They were going to have two separate entries, but then I found this picture and I couldn't resist. Two great, classy ladies with hella acting skills and lovely voices; also, I tend to really like Meryl Streep's hair, even if Emma Thompson tends to be, er, blond. And Meryl looks great in black, which is always a plus. Also, let's be honest: it would be like sleeping with royalty.
5) Elisabeth Sladen
She was cute then and she's attractive now (I have three categories: cute, attractive, and sexy, and they all mean different things), and she's got a refreshingly normal figure, and a lovely voice and a great smile and dark hair and--actually, after some serious consideration on the subject, I realized I'd rather sleep with her than any of the guys who played the Doctor, even in their respective heydays. (Although I think Jon Pertwee could be interesting. You shut up.) She just seems so...down-to-earth. Also, I have to admit, this is another case where at least 15% of the reason for it would be for bragging purposes. I mean, wouldn't you?