(no subject)

Jan 30, 2008 06:35

WHY IS TV BACK. DAMMIT, I WAS JUST GETTING USED TO HAVING  FREE TIME. There's even a Supernatural, which--gah, I know I won't be able to watch it live, and I know I'll put off watching it because I want to do other things (like vid, dammit), and I still need to watch the third SCC (and I bet there's another one coming up real fast), and Torchwood just won't stop coming....

...*takes a look at what she just wrote*


Pamela Davis running the show tonight! I think she wrote the third-season episode featuring Wilson's ex-wife, also known as The Episode Where House Is Told Wilson Is Great In The Sack. Or maybe that was someone else. But my point is, she sure does seem to love the Wilson, even if she doesn't really love the Cuddy so much. Festive animatronic moose hat for the win, yo. And Kutner has such an adorable dorky crush on House, it isn't even funny. Except it totally is. I called the Secret Santa thing the moment I saw Kutner's reaction to getting his person--maybe he thinks he can buy House's affections? Not with a watch, bitch. A watch is a boring present. At least Taub and Thirteen (does she have a name now? Remy something, wasn't it?) put some actual thought into their gifts. And Foreman just ignored the whole thing. Hah! Chase and Cameron, as is the trend, were completely marginalized--Cam didn't even get any lines this time, and I was surprised to discover that I was vaguely annoyed by this. One doesn't just throw out the original cast entirely. It's uncouth.

And I may be late to the party, but by god, I'm going to talk about the cheese dip anyway:

1) This writer likes Ianto, I think. And that makes me like Ianto too. First three episodes of the first season, I loved Ianto and wished he would get more screentime. "He's the Wilson!", I thought. "Funny and cool, but underused!" And then 'Cyberwoman' came along and I wanted to beat my head against the wall. And after that, he was tainted in my eyes as a whiny bitch. Didn't help that the stopwatch thing came from so far out of left field, I actually disapproved of making a canon slash pairing. Go for some actual build-up, will you? But now Ianto is back to being funny and cool, except he's not entirely underused, and I get weird squishy feelings in my stomach when I think about him and Jack going on that date together, so basically what I'm saying is: more plz?

2) Oh, Owen. I knew someone was going to suggest something like that eventually. Have I mentioned lately that I love you?

And that's all I have time for, so off I go into the mists.

torchwood, gay gay gay, house, sarah connor chronicles, i like television, supernatural

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