247: Messes I've Cleaned Up (or Tried to Clean Up)

Sep 25, 2008 22:24

Cleaning up messes is something I've gotten used to doing. Of course, I have no choice but to get used to cleaning up messes since every time I try to leave the messes, they just get bigger and filthier.

Take the experiment that ultimately made me the web-slinging badass I am today. (Or will be; time travel is so shocking warped.) It was a project for creating super-powered corporate raiders. The guy I was testing it out on turned into a mutated beast and died. It was sick. Shocking sick. I tried to walk away from that mess, but what happened? My boss poisoned me with an addictive drug that would bond to my genetic code.

That mess I tried to clean up by overwriting my DNA with an earlier copy, but a jackass whom I do not mourn at all screwed with it and I got spider DNA mixed in, hence my newfound spider-powers. Ever since, I've been cleaning up the messes of 2099. The corporate cops that let the powerful and the wealthy and the well-connected literally get away with murder? I fight the guys they won't fight. I protect the people they won't touch.

And when I became head of Alchemax, I had to clean up my old boss's messes, the legacy he'd left me of years of corruption and greed. I did a pretty good job of it, I thought, but now that I'm here . . . who knows?

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