I stay untouchable like my name's Eliot Ness

Aug 17, 2005 09:45

Last night was my first night working with this guy on this project at the Des Moines Playhouse. I am running the sound board (I hit play on a cd player and adjust levels, actually). While pressing play and messing with a couple of buttons may not qualify as rocket science, I still lack the ability to read minds. The most frustrating incident came ( Read more... )

steve carell, bret easton ellis, random, theatre, the daily show, marriage, television

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Comments 6

backstage_diva August 17 2005, 16:09:25 UTC
Dont fret, alas, I still sleep alone with no prospects in my future. Just wait a month or two when the newlyweds start poping babies out!


futrefilmdirctr August 18 2005, 13:48:54 UTC

And thanks for all your advice yesterday. Last night went better. I will now have TWO hats: one that reads "You get what you pay for" and another that reads "Mind over Matter" or something. I won't lie - I'll probably wear the "You get what you pay for" hat more but what can you do?


backstage_diva August 18 2005, 15:53:25 UTC
Make a t-shirt of the other. Wear both at the same time!! :)


piccadillyline August 17 2005, 21:03:18 UTC
And if it makes you feel any better, I'm not getting married either, but everyone else I know is.

Steve Carell= awesome.

You're working with Max Allen Collins? Hah.


futrefilmdirctr August 18 2005, 13:45:32 UTC
Yes. I am indeed working with Max Allen Collins. Also known as the guy with three first names apparently.

I think I would feel better if I was cool enough to be invited to all these weddings. But I am not.


goodebar August 28 2005, 21:07:36 UTC
Hey, just stumbled across your profile. Do yourself a favor and see "The 40-Year Old Virgin" if you already haven't. Also, Broken Flowers is playing at the Fleur...I think you'd like that too.



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