I'm losing at this game.

Feb 02, 2006 16:36

With the exception of a few No Subjects, I have been consistent with the Song-Lyrics-as-Subject-Line game. I usually pick lyrics from a song or artist that I like and try to go as apt with the lyrical content as possible. My Lyric Well is showing signs of drying up, though. It is taking some real thought to find a sufficient lyric and every third person with a blog uses this technique. I don't know if I should switch to movie quotes, book titles, or if I should give up on the subject line altogether. This is might be the biggest decision of 2006.

For some reason, I got struck with the mood to go back and read my first-ever entry on here. I've been on LJ for less than two years and don't have all that many entries, but it is still a little disheartening to see how much has changed in that period. I'd be a little hesitant in saying I myself have changed all that much, but everything else has changed and I can somewhat get a sense of the impact.

I watched the President's State of the Union the other night (I'd like to say I watched it to further my political prowess but I actually lost the remote) and since everyone else has chimed in, I figured I would do the same. I was somewhat surprised at how benign it was for the most part. He went a whole 3 minutes or so without mentioning 9/11 - clearly a personal best. I was settling in to my boredom-induced coma when he started in on animal-human hybrids. It took me a full minute or so to realize he had actually mentioned animal-human hybrids. The only thing that could of added to the hilarity is if he would have referred to Dr. Moreau in some way.

By far the most important event of the week were the announcement of the Oscar nominees. I think everyone could have predicted these nominations. I have yet to see a few of the big nominees (I've only seen 2/5 of the Best Picture category), but there are two things in particular that upset me about the Oscars in general and this batch of nomines. The first thing that upsets is something that has upset me for quite some time - comedies are consistently overlooked. One of my personal favorite movies of the year and one of the best reviewed movies of 2005 is nowhere to be found in any category. Why? Because it is The 40 Year Old Virgin, and it is hilarious. The second annoyance of mine has a name, and that name is Heath Ledger. For awhile, he was considered the frontrunner for the Best Actor category but thankfully that honor now belongs to the deserving Philip Seymour Hoffman. He was one of my least favoirte things about Brokeback Mountain. I could have written his lines from the screenplay in 72 point Comic Sans font and not filled up six pages. I have no problem with the brooding type, but at least throw some interesting facial expressions my way. The only time I sided with his character during the entire film was when he was about to hit Michelle Williams, because that is something I've wanted to do since 1997.

It looks like I'll be going home on Saturday to babysit. It is my brother-in-law's 30th birthday next week and they are having a soiree of some type. In typical little sister fashion, I am not invited to participate in any of the fun - I am only to go as the hired help. These adventures in babysitting will be one of the many items I will "Frey" in my scandalous memoir. Also, I didn't realize that by agreeing to babysit a couple of weeks agoI had indicated any interest on my part in doing it again. I kind of like the fact I only see my niece and nephew a few times a year...it makes them appreciate my awesome auntiness even more.

Before taking the trip home, Dennetta and I have a date to catch up on Project Runway since she has stood me up the past two weeks. We were supposed to do this last Friday, but my case of avian flu intervened. I still feel ashamed every time I admit to watching that show, but what can you do?

politics, movies, oscars, family stuff, grown up, weekends

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