It's so easy to laugh at yourself when all of those jokes have already been written...

Jan 29, 2006 13:29

The weekend got off to a horrible start with a trip to the E.R. (and yes, that is the third trip in the past two months for those keeping track at home). I started feeling a little sick on Thursday but really didn't think too much of it. I felt fine most of Friday so I had wrote it off completely. Then I started to feel sick again Friday night. I figured I was just coming down with something but then I started to feel like I was going to pass out. I am only familiar with passing out when booze is related, so I was concerned. Dennetta was nice enough to waste her Friday night and took me as I didn't think the passing out feeling would enhance my driving skills any. There was alot of waiting since the place was pretty full and I wasn't critical with a severed limb or something. In fact, I felt really guilty the minute I walked in the door. Not only was I wasting Dennetta's time but I was taking up a doctor's time that would have been better spent helping someone in more dire need. When I got in to actually see the doctor, he said I probably was coming down with the flu or something viral. Of course, they didn't take any blood to confirm or deny this theory but my blood phobia was thankful. The doctor rattled off a list of tests they might considering doing, but didn't think they were necessary (then why mention them?!). 5 minutes later, I got a shot and was sent home with the instructions of take in plenty of fluids, get rest, and take some over-the-counter stuff. I don't want to alarm anyone, but I think it all boils down to one thing: bird flu. Ha! Or maybe SARS? I am feeling much, much better now so maybe I had the 48 hour version of SARS. Are SARS jokes even funny anymore, or is the bird flu really the only way to go here?

Really, this entire week has been a bust. You know those days where even the most standard things seem really odd and out of place? My week has been like that. Work has kept me busy so really nothing outside of that was accomplished. At least the weather has been beautiful (this weekend has been a glaring exception, however). Thursday and Friday felt downright Spring-ish. As nerdy and dorky as it might sound, it made me want to go golfing.

It isn't much of a secret that I am a horrible driver...I was in two car accidents within a four month period, after all. I had been feeling pretty good about the situation because me going this long (almost a year) without even a fender bender is an accomplishment. As I was pulling out of my parking spot on Monday, I side-swiped the Jeep Cherokee next to me. I was pretty upset that my accident-free streak had come to an end (I was more upset over that than the situation itself - go figure). I got out of the car to quickly access the damage -a small scratch and a broken taillight for them; no damage for me!- and wrote a note. Fast forward a couple of days and I get a phone call from the vehicle's owner. It turns out that the taillight and scratch had been there for quite some time. The pro to this is that my year anniversary of no accidents is still on schedule. The con? My horrid driving has left me so psychologically damaged that I blame myself for accidents I had nothing to do with.

I received my first bridal shower invite this past week - a sure sign that 2006: Get Hitched or Die Tryin' is progressing nicely. So many useless household appliances to buy, so little time. All bad joking aside, I am looking forward to the onslaught of weddings and attached events. I enjoy seeing people I like happy...and isn't that really the point? I only intend to add to their happiness with a smoothie maker. If I disapprove of their union, I'll get them a toaster and hope they get what I am really trying to tell them.

The James Frey scandal and ensuing drama continues to get even more hilarious by the day. I personally think that Warner Bros is pissed off because now they don't have to hire a team of sub-par writers to take creative license on the script - Frey decided to cut out the middle man there. I really wish that Oprah, Warner Bros., and everyone else who claims to be "fighting for truth and integrity" would shut up and realize we're talking about LITERATURE and not journalism. I expect truth from someone reporting the news - not really from a drug-and-alcohol addict who picks up a pen. I've decided to up the percentage of lies in my tell-all to 85% - but only out of principle. My reported height will be 5'11" and my sexual conquests will number in the thousands. And those are just the true bits.

I have been writing quite a bit lately and it feels good. I still lack any talent for writting, but it feels good nonetheless. You'd think someone with a college education and enjoys reading would somehow absorb the ability to write. You'd be terribly mistaken - on multiple levels. But if Paris Hilton can "write" a book, then maybe I am mising the point completely.

dennetta, weekend, random, books, writing, marriage

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