I am attempting to conduct a survey about slash readers and writers of fanfiction, mainly women. I am an undergraduate researching slash fanfiction and why women are so interested in it. Please read the questions and just answer all of them in a posted comment. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not log in. Thank you very much
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Gender: Female
Age: 25-30
How long have you been reading slash?
About nine years, give or take. ;)
Which fandoms do you read?
Currently, almost none. On great occasion I read Naruto or comics. (X-Men and Batfolk.)
Do you believe in gay rights?
Does slash represent homosexuality or just heterosexual men in a relationship?
It represents women's view of gay men--I don't think it represents true gay men, since most of the slash I read seems highly unrealistic (I believe the term is "chicks with dicks" in a not-transvestite sense!). I think slash is written by women, for women, and for the most part is our form of what we think a male/male gay relationship is like. Which is extremely different than what I think it actually is like, watching my gay friends. ;) (That said, I know some writers try and make it realistic--I do--but if you read gay romance by men, they're generally very different than the ones written by women ( ... )
And... do you mind filling out more questions? You know I appreciate everything so far...
1. Sexuality? Het Bi Homo None
2. Is slash saying anything about gender to you? If so, what?
3. Do you feel part of a community when reading/writing slash? I mean, a community of fans (not just a community on lj)?
4. Do you read incest or illegal sex at all? If so, what? And how do you justify reading it?
If you could answer any of these, it would be so helpful, and if you feel uncomfortable at all, then you don't have to answer. Anyway, thank you for your time, I love you! :)
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