Slash Fanfiction Survey

Oct 18, 2007 23:26

I am attempting to conduct a survey about slash readers and writers of fanfiction, mainly women. I am an undergraduate researching slash fanfiction and why women are so interested in it. Please read the questions and just answer all of them in a posted comment. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not log in. Thank you very much.


Gender: Female / Male

Age: below 13 / 14-17 / 18-24 / 25-30 / 30-40 / older than 40

How long have you been reading slash?

Which fandoms do you read?

Do you believe in gay rights? Does slash represent homosexuality or just heterosexual men in a relationship?

Why do you read, write, or like slash?

What are your squicks and kinks? What kinds of sub-genres do you read (for example, hurt/comfort or PWP)?

What does slash mean to you?

Should slash writers and readers be open in admitting that they write/read or should slash persist in anonymity? Why?

Do people know you read slash? If so, who is it (close friends, family, other relatives, teachers, etc.)?

Thank you for taking part in this survey, you have helped me out a lot! :)

survey, slash fanfiction

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