funky mood

Mar 27, 2008 19:37

On a sour note, I really hate when guys assume they know what a woman goes through when they are on their period. I bring this up only because my brother was extremely annoyed tonight. He's complaining about his back, which he does have issues with, but then he starts going off on Ney. He wrote on his hand a reminder not to mention his back to Ney. I asked why and he said he's been talking about it a lot, which I don't doubt. When I complain about something a lot, it's maybe one to four times. When he complains about something a lot it's like fifteen to twenty times. So I guess she told him that she understood his back hurt. I wasn't there so I don't know how she said it but he said she just completely bit his head off for no reason. So he guess she was "on the rag". First I hate the phrase "on the rag". It just bothers me. Second he said it like Ney had a hang nail and didn't deserve to complain or be snippy, like being on her period was no big deal. I was just like hold on, you have no idea what it is like to have the lining of a part of your insides ripped out once a month. Not to mention the bloating, headaches, muscle aches, fluctuations of hormones and other various things.  His whole attitude tonight just ticked me off.

I really need to quit watching tv after Jeopardy or at least change the channel. The news is horrible. First they told why our schools suck, why the economy sucks, about the prank call about a school shooting played on WIU, something about a medicine that is poisoning people, and then they went on to say that later on in their hour long program they would be checking with some expert on why America is the most stressed country on the planet... uh hello? Didn't they just give like four examples? I have decided that news programs really aren't telling the news, instead they just spread more feelings of dread and stress for the every day person. My grandma freaked out yesterday because she read that there have been two attacks of young high school girls in my neighborhood. My neighborhood isn't the safest on earth but I feel safe here. My mom almost made me go with her tonight to church because of the attacks. Hello we have cop cars that circle the neighborhood every 10 mins. These attacks weren't on any girls, they were targeted. The perp knew when the girls would be there alone. I'm just sick of stupid people.

Other than that... we rented Dan in Real Life and I really liked it. I wasn't sure if I would but it was good. I felt like him at some points, especially because he has to sleep in the laundry room. That is totally me. I would talk more about it but I don't want to tell any secrets or spoil the movie in any way. 
Also I love Top Chef. I'm not sure who I want to win this season. Andrew (?) kind of pisses me off, so does the asian guy. Ryan seems silly. Mark makes me giggle. We'll see...

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