PUT THE GO IN GOKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 05, 2009 19:16

I can't even form coherent thoughts that don't come out sounding like Danny's last note tonight. But I'll try.

I'm so angry with those judges. They're just horrible at their job. And no, I'm not saying this just because I'm a Kris fan. I am, but I can admit that his duet was a piece of crap (OMG THE DUETS ARE SUCH A HORRIBLE IDEA). My problem is more with the way they will compliment and praise Danny for a god-awful performance, giving him freakin' As for effort while shoving Kris (and Allison!) so hard in front of the bus that they never could see it coming.

I just. I'm too angry. I'm so angry that I almost hope Kris goes home tomorrow, just to get him away from this crap.


You wouldn't know it, but I really love Adam. More for his personality when he's not singing, because I think he's just a stellar, stand-up, awesome kid. But I'm totally fine with him winning, REALLY super duper fine with it. What bothers me is the way the judges keep TELLING me that he's going to win, that he's going to be the second coming. I GET IT. HE'S AWESOME. HE'S AMAZING. LET'S END THE SHOW NOW, MKAY? But no matter how angry that makes me, I don't take that rage and place it on Adam, because it's NOT his fault that he's a fierce HBIC. He's just doing his thing. Bless him for it. I may not want to listen to a whole album of his song stylings, but I can pull for him just the same. So no, it doesn't make me dislike Adam one bit, but what it does is annoy me beyond belief with the judges. And that praise carries over to Danny, who DIDN'T deserve it tonight.

This just makes me wish for simpler American Idol days, when you couldn't see the fix a mile away.

Even last year, we all saw the Davids in the final 2. I didn't like the pimping of the two of them then, either. I was just lucky that Cook was my favorite, and that he and Archie rose above all the petty shit that the producers tried to push on them and on us. But Danny doesn't seem to be very liked by the other three, so pitting him against Adam in the finale is probably what they've been eyeing for a very long time. And Danny just seems to get douchier as every week passes.

I need to stop now, because I'm just getting more and more angry about it all.

But overall..

Adam - Very good, as usual. But that's probably why I'm not that enthusiastic about it, because it was very "as usual" for me. That's not a bad thing, it's just a thing. Good song choice, one of the only people in Idol history who could pull that song off.
Allison - I thought she was pretty damned good. The judges are whack.
Kris - Shaky in the beginning, but he changed it up enough to keep things interesting. But did he get any credit for that? OH HAIL NO. Time for puppy to get NAILED BY THE ONCOMING BUS.
Danny - Don't make me re-live it. Never again.
Kris/Danny duet - The harmonies didn't suck too bad, but Danny just took over the song.. and not always in a good way. No, Kris shouldn't push his voice, and I feel like he went places he shouldn't have and it came out badly. But from the after-song vibe up on that stage, I think Danny may have had a little to do with that.
Adam/Allison duet - VERY nice. I can see why the producers would want them in the final 2, as well. But this isn't America's Best Duos, so how well two people sing together shouldn't really be a reason for them to be F2.

BAH. I'm all grumpy now.

reality: american idol

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