News from the BB House
I have to leave in a few minutes, but I wanted to post what's been going on.
Dude, this is SO sad.
Backstory: Earlier in the week, Dick told Daniele that her closeness to Nick was hurting her within "the group." He said that they don't trust her because they think she tells Nick everything, etc. So after that, she started hanging with them more, kindof badmouthing Nick, to try and get in good with them. It was working all week, they were trusting her more and she was finding out that Nick was a bigger target than she ever thought. She did what she could to deflect their suspicions away from him and diffuse the situation whenever his name came up and she was doing a good job. It was hard to hear her talk bad of Nick to them, but if it helped him in the long run, it was no worries.
She didn't tell him what she was doing, but gave him hints that he was on people's radars a little bit and that she's "trying to help [you] more than you even know" so it was pretty obvious what she was doing.
So! Dustin won HOH and nominated Kail and Jen with the plan to backdoor Zach if one of them came off. Nick's name was still being thrown around but as of Friday night, they'd settled on Zach. POV was played yesterday and Jameka won it. Now, here's the thing. When the balls were pulled for each player, Jen pulled Jameka's ball and apparently that means (to Jameka) that she *must* be playing *for* Jen. Meaning, if she wins, she MUST take Jen off. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but Jameka says it's like..God's will or something like that. Whatever. She made a promise before the POV and it rubbed people the wrong way.
So POV was played and while I don't know details, it seems that Jen *threw* the POV at Jameka which would force her to use it on Jen. So Jen's coming down tomorrow which brought up the new question - who replaces her, Zach or Nick?
Late last night, the "LNC" (Late Night Crew = Dick/Eric/Amber/Dustin/Jess/Jameka/Dani) as a group decided to put Nick up and vote him out.
Can you believe this?
They went around the room and said that personally they'd want Zach up and out, but strategically they want Nick out. Everyone except Dustin (who REALLY wants Zach out) and of course Dani. The whole time, Dani's face was stone cold. When they finally asked her what she thought, she burst into tears and had to leave the room. She had said she'd do whatever the group wanted but that she knew him better than anyone there and she didn't think he was a threat.
It killed me, you guys. KILLED ME. She went downstairs and cried in the bathroom for a while, then she went to the DR for another hour and probably cried there, too.
All this while, Nick was sleeping peacefully after having a GREAT day with Dani. He'd actually told her earlier in the day that if and when he ever went on the block, all he wants to do is chill out and spend as much time with her as possible. So this was killing her, knowing that her best friend in the house, someone who has her back and would never vote against her, was leaving, and she couldn't stop it.
You guys, this is horrible. Nickand Dani have had a hard week, with trust issues and the like, but they were doing great the last 2 days. He's so crazy aobut her, and seeing her reaction to this, it's obvious her feelings for him are a LOT stronger than we ever thought.
First, they had a fight in the storage room when he thought she was switching her votes for Mike on Thursday:
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Then they were adorable again and - people believe - were kissing under the blankets again shortly after that: And because this fight breaks my heart for Nick, I must post it. Nick had consoled Jen for a minute after she found out she was nominated. Amber told Nick that Dani was upset over it (which I'm pretty sure she was, but Amber told Dani that she said it so that Nick didn't know that Amber was the one that was upset, but anyway..). So Nick wanted to talk to Dani about it, and this is what happened. Watch him at the end, you'll want to cry for him:
Click to view
Anything can happen, obviously, but I'm preparing myself for his exit on Thursday. And it's going to be horrible because he's an ALLY and they're so paranoid and DUMB that they're voting him out.