Ever fired your gun in the air and yelled, 'Aaaaaaah?'

May 30, 2007 23:18

= 'sup fellow pedophiles. Everyone's said everything that needs to be said on the whole LJ insanity. Some I agree with, some I don't. I don't feel personally threatened by this, though it did sadden me to take "pretty boys" out of my interests.. you know, just in case. ;) But as always, wistfuljane keeps me in the know with her posts on the situation, and her newest post is most illuminating and calming. Bless her ever-researching soul.

= The Office Move From Hell is pretty much done. The bosses have come back and were wholeheartedly... underwhelmed. Bastards. Not in an obvious way, though. They didn't complain about anything, they just didn't say much. I guess I was expecting more than, "oh, this is nice, thank you" because seriously, it was hard-ass work. I broke ALL my nails for it! It is to weep. I'll forgive them if my paycheck on Tuesday has a little bonus in there.

= Keeping on the personal front, I love my daddy. He infuriates me daily, but I love him more than anything in the whole wide world.

= I just realized that I hadn't really posted about the Heroes finale. Probably because I was a little underwhelmed myself. I guess I was just expecting more, after being blown away (no pun intended) from episode to episode all season long. I wanted the Sylar/Peter showdown to be epic! EPIC!! Hell, I got more excited over their Fire vs. Ice non-showdown in Five Years Gone. I also wanted everyone to play a part, to be their own hero, not just run up to try and help and then get thrown aside. I mean, really, at the end of the season I have to wonder what the point was of Niki/DL/Micah in the bigger story. I suppose if I re-watched the season and strung up my own strings, I could find important things that they've done or not done that have effected the bigger picture, but if I can't think of it easily, maybe it wasn't all that important. lol

And really, Peter. You have how many powers at this point? And in this big showdown you.. punched him? You HUH? Punched him?? Dummy.

I give props to Hayden on a job VERY well done in this ep, though. I felt all of Claire's pain throughout.

Hm, what else? lol, it's been 2 weeks! Um.. Oh. Yeah. Noah's a dumb name. I'm just gonna call him HRG, kthx.

I think I was supposed to care more that Nathan swooped down, gave his cheesy, "you saved the cheerleader so we could save the world" line, and flew Peter away. But, like, unless Pasdar isn't returning next year in some huge twist, how scared are we that they don't survive? I mean, sure, they can kill Simone's and Isaac's and special guest stars all season long, but will they kill one or both of their leading men? Sheyah, right. I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm not hung up on the "why didn't Peter FLY himself away?" because it was pretty obvious to me that when this new overwhelming nuclear thing takes him over, he can't really do much else.

Despite my negativity, I was still stuck to the screen the entire time, and I did love a lot of it. I'll anxiously await the DVDs (omg! so much good stuff!) and be there for every episode next season. Unless Peter cuts his hair. Then.. I may have to walk.

= I've started watching Supernatural. I got season 1 from Netflix and I'm through episode.. 19. It's okay. *shrug* It feels very X-Files lite. I've downloaded eps 1-9 of season 2, and I'll try to find the rest. But up next from Netflix is season 1 of Bones, and I'm actually really excited to watch that. See, I have this thing with David Boreanaz. While, back in the day, he was amazing as Angelus and the comedy, he sometimes caused me literal pain when I had to see him do some heavy angst or drama (just ask Jessa, I mocked his "Buffy!" during our marathon all weekend). I was understandably gunshy! But I keep hearing that he's improved and that Bones is actually pretty good, so I'm allll over it now. I like coming late to parties, it makes me feel all special.

= There's a huge shake-up over at NBC. Kevin Reilly, the head of NBC Entertainment, who championed Friday Night Lights and The Office, has been let go, or something. I'm curious to see what happens now with the little shows that Reilly kept on the air. (sourcy mcsource)

= Went to see Hot Fuzz last weekend with Jessa. I loved it! (icon love) We were going back and forth between that and POTC, and even though I really want to see Pirates, I just know that HF isn't going to be in theaters much longer. But really, I'll see anything from that group of guys (Pegg/Frost, etc.) whenever they put it out. It made me want to re-watch Shaun of the Dead! "By the power of Greyskull!" Ahaha.

= Also this weekend, Jessa and I got through 13 episodes of Season 3 of Buffy. We ended on The Zeppo, because it was just before the Faith Vader arc and it seemed like the right place to finish. For sheer fun, you should read Jessa's drunkpost from that night, which includes her top 20 Buffy episodes. I even made her stop correcting her drunktypos, which was more fun than you can imagine.

= Catching up... The AI finale was predictable in its results, which I'm totally cool with. The performances? Eh. I liked last year's much better. I have no problem with bringing big stars on to perform *with* the AI kids, but not by themselves. That just makes no sense at all. And really.. Bette Midler? On what plane of reality does that even make sense? I loved seeing all the past winners come back, the show should belong to the top 12 and past winners, that's it. Unexpectedly, my favorite performance was Jordin/Ruben, because I had forgotten how much I really enjoyed Ruben's voice. Of course, not enough to buy his album. But still!

= Fall TV is over, we have a long summer ahead of us. But the new TV Guide lists all the shows that are going to be airing over the summer, including a bunch that are on cable that I never would've known about. It's a good buy if you're itching for new programming.

= This Office songvid made me love the show even more, if that's possible. It's a chronological look at almost all 50+ episodes, with a brilliant bookending question/answer: "Emotionally Magnificent - An Office Tribute"

= And, while I'm linking tv show songvids that I love, here's two Friday Night Lights vids (general, no pairing): "One" and "Tonight, Tonight" - they both make me weepy and smiley.

= I'm watching the Shear Genius finale right now. DAMN. I was pulling for Ben. Oh well, I'll pretty much forget about this by tomorrow. It was nice filler while we wait for Project Runway.

= soul4poetry! Thank you so much for the virtual rose, sweetie! That means so much to me, especially given everything you've been going through lately. *hugs*

= I'm forgetting stuff, but that's good for now. Hope you all have a good week! :) Night!

reality: american idol, tv: heroes, life: as i know it, movies: misc, online: fandom, tv: the office, tv: fnl

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