= Woe is Monday. It's been a long, long day. And after the time change, I think I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. 'Mtired.
= Taxes have been filed. Thanks to some fancy maneuvering, I only owe $81 bucks! Woot! Trust me, compared to the 400+ bucks it was before said maneuvering, this is good news.
= I saw a commercial for DwTS last night during Extreme Makeover and the tag was that they were bring sexy back. Doh. They had little 3 second clips of all the new participants and they had Joey sitting, rocking back and forth, looking precious, saying, "yeah we're gonna get down and dirty!" Hee! I can't wait!
= Less than a week before JuC Day! I have a lot to do, but it should be tons of fun!
= I got a "copy" of Slither from a friend and I really enjoyed it! It's campy and funny (seriously, some very laugh out loud moments!) and an A-grade, B-movie horror flick. I got to see my lovely Jenna Fischer, and Nathan Fillion just makes everything better, no? Problem is, about 10 minutes before the film ended, my copy kinda just.. stopped. So I'm not entirely sure how it ended. Can anyone help me?
The last thing I saw was... at the end, the Grant creature had stuck one of his tentacle things into Bill and dragged him back into the house and told Starla to shoot it. He blew up and she approached Bill. He seemed conscious but that's where it stopped! I'm sure he didn't die, right? RIGHT? Can someone fill me in on the last 10 minutes? Thanks!
The Amazing Race
Eliminated: Rob and Amber
Even my own father told me today, "Well, I guess I can stop watching now. :("
Bah. My favorite team is gone, but it's their own damn fault. Rob, for as much as I love him, panics when he's not in control. So instead of double-checking the spelling on the Detour, they wasted time. And instead of going through all the mail in the Roadblock, he threw mail on the floor and didn't even look at some of it. Amber was calm through it all and kept a level head, but she should've checked the spelling, too. What I hate the most is Uchenna/Joyce and Charla/Mirna were so smug about it all. Here's the best paragraph from the
EW write-up:
After the short flight, things continued to go poorly for Romber. Charla and Mirna were like a stubborn piece of toilet paper stuck to their shoe. Whenever they thought they'd pried it away, they'd look behind them, and there it was, trailing them all over again. Romber's biggest mistake might have been playing slightly dirty with them, by nabbing their cab at the airport and then lying to them about having found the clue. Moral indignation is to the Schmirnas as spinach is to Popeye. When they see the slightest evidence that someone is not as pure of heart as them, they get superstrength. If you ever need your car moved, just let Mirna know you cheated on your SATs; she'll throw your Toyota into a garage three blocks away.
Oh well, Team ChaChaCha all the way now!
= Links to keep you busy:
-- I have no idea what to say, except LOOK GUYS! It's
Whiplash, the Cowboy Monkey dude!
-- The 2007 Bloggies have been announced! (
-- In the spirit of March Madness, we have
Band Madness! 512 bands go head to head, and you can vote!
-- Smile-inducing parody: What if Ken Burns made a documentary about the Pam vs. Karen debate that is tearing apart this great nation of ours?
CC insider ponders in this hilarious video. = Yep, still tired. Exhausted, even. I would've napped on my desk today if my phone had stopped ringing for more than 5 mintues at a time. Srsly, I'm hoarse from all the talking I've been doing the last week or so.