Chapter 1 Part 1 - [Solis Occasus]

Jul 07, 2010 19:27


See you there?

‘See you there’, indeed. As if he, The Composer of Shibuya, had time to be following an ex-player around hoping to obtain forgiveness for something he was not sorry for in the least. It was a ridiculous dream to think they’d ever have any more to do with each other. Not a chance for it at all, unless Neku died in Shibuya again.

Yet here stood Joshua, looking out over the city, pouting like a child who’d been denied their favorite toy. Neku was right there. He was right in front of him, practically begging him to come and all he could do was stand there. He wasn’t paying much attention to whatever it was Hanekoma was saying. It wasn’t important. He was just searing at the fact that no matter how badly he wanted; he couldn’t have what he wanted. Not yet.

And Joshua absolutely detested waiting...

He turned in a huff, and transported straight into his chamber, flopping none-too-gracefully onto his throne. The sound echoed into the hollow room. A week ago, it had been full of people (both those who were welcome, and those who were not). Nonetheless, it seemed so terribly empty, especially with no one to talk to. He had no conductor, and all he heard was noise and Shibuya. It was a little depressing, considering how eager he’d been to rebuild the Shibuya he thought was lost.

He’d been quite excited at the prospect of the future a week ago. His choice wasn’t made solely for Neku and his friends. No, that would be a little too soft for him. He changed his mind because that past three weeks had reminded him why he’d wanted to run Shibuya’s Game. The rush of getting to go hands on into the game, instead of sitting on the sidelines gave him a fresh taste of how much fun his little game was. Paired with the fact that Sakuraba nearly completely improved in the first week, and brought every one he touched up a notch with him-it was a proverbial shock to his senses.

His mind pondered how anything could compare to that once enchanting feeling likened to being alive again. Not a single game would ever be that incredibly fun and he began to feel the interest seeping out of him.

The silence was broken swiftly by a rush of music that was most definitely inhuman, it whirled and spiked and made the most annoying sound Joshua had ever heard. A great spark of light encompassed his room of reckoning, merely causing Joshua to shut his eyes. When the light cleared, an angel was standing before him.

“Good Afternoon, Shibuya.” The angel greeted calmly.

Joshua was still seated, and the look on his face remained uninterested. “Do not call me that.” He stated simply.

“The manner in which I refer to you is irrelevant to the purpose of my…visit.” The angel replied professionally.

Joshua shrugged. “It’d do you to have some manners, mister. For an angel, you’re none too angelic.”

The angel ignored the abrasive attitude and lifted his hand, in which a large scroll appeared in a flash of light.

“Must you do that? The light show is terribly unnecessary.” Joshua complained, having had to lift a hand over his eyes.

The comment was once again ignored, and the Angel went to unrolling the scroll. He cleared his throat, and recited, “Yoshiya Kiryuu, Composer of Shibuya no. 596, A summons has been sent upon your name to the High Court on the charges of Spiritual Endangerment, Failure to Comply to a Game’s Terms, and Neglect of Your Duties as Composer. You are to arrive in Court in twenty-four RG hours, along with your Fallen Producer-“

“I highly doubt it goes into such detail, but carry on.” The Composer Interrupted, waving a hand to increase the notion.

“…Failure to comply may result in automatic erasure of you and your city or mortal suspension.” He said.

“Is that all?” Joshua said with a quizzical grin.

“Yes.” The angel replied.

“Good. Now then, Messenger Boy…” The Angel grit his teeth at the name. How insolent could this boy get?  He was standing in the face of oblivion and he didn’t seem to give a damn! What kind of Composer was he?

“…Go tell them I decline.”

“….What? You’ll risk such vast terms?! Who-“

“I’m certain they’ll erase me for those charges anyway, and my Shibuya will go down once someone they choose takes over. I’ve better things to do with my last few hours than play courthouse with a bunch of stubborn children.”

“…You will regret your choice.”

“I probably won’t live to~” He said with a chuckle. The Angel left him, begrudgingly. Joshua simply leaned back into his throne with a smirk.

Maybe he could have what he wanted when he wanted, just this once. Forget healing Shibuya! He had a visit to make.

The next morning had a doorbell ringing at the Sakuraba residence, and when the door was opened by Neku’s unsuspecting mother, He was in the UG, and slipped right past her into Neku’s bedroom. He smiled as he turned his frequency down and knelt beside his bed.

“Wake up sleepy head~ Hehehe…” he cooed into the sleeping boy’s ear quickly jerking back quickly with a smile, just in case Neku’s reaction went as planned.

Neku awakened with a start, not expecting the feeling of hot breath against his ear as he slept. Reacting to the unusual invasion of privacy, he reached to his side and threw his alarm clock at the source of his discomfort.

The movement had caused the boy become tangled in his bed sheets, and was unable to free himself. He really hoped his mom would come upstairs and notice him fighting, for his life and dignity, and save him. But no such help arrived and he was only free to move once he’d fallen off the bed.

Neku abruptly realized that he had to get rid of the intruder somehow, and looked up to make sure the unwanted person wasn’t doing anything any more suspicious than he already had.

Neku sat at the feet of the boy who was his supposed friend, the one that didn’t keep their unsaid promise. He looked straight into Joshua’s eyes with undeniable surprise, then anger.

See you there?

Neku knew Joshua had heard him send out that thought to him and the fact that the other boy had ignored it frustrated Neku to no end.

“What do you want, Yoshiya?”

“Hmph, How come no one seems keen on calling me by the name I prefer these days?” he mused, completely ignoring the question. “Is ‘Josh-u-a’ really so difficult?” Neku was so funny when he got frustrated. It was almost hard to keep a straight face with him all flushed and scowling at him. He smirked coyly.

“Have a good time with your little friends? You sure didn’t look like you missed me.” He teased, “So sorry I couldn’t make it, but I do have a city to run, sans a conductor, I might add. Not exactly simple to take over two positions.” He added, dousing any negative retorts that came up.

He looked at Neku with a mischievous sparkle in his eye. The feeling of it dimmed a little after a few minutes, and his smile softened. “I actually came by to tell you I’ll probably not be around for a while…No need wasting your time calling on me when I’m not there, hm?” he said simply. It wasn’t as simple as he made it sound, but it was better Neku live on without knowing what happened to him.

“Also, your vacation is nearly over. You and your friends should go do something, instead of sleeping in and skateboarding the backstreets. A trip to the beach might be a good idea, don’t you think?” he suggested. He was sure to get a lecture for trying to make him leave, but if he was there when they messed with Shibuya, then Neku would be messed with. He’d forget about him, and he might not even exist.

Joshua didn’t go through all this work for nothing.

Neku couldn’t believe how impossibly carefree Joshua was being, and he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes at the other. Of course he wouldn’t call him “Joshua” after the Composer betrayed him twice.

Neku continued to glare at Joshua and after a few antagonizing moments, he spoke.

“Why the beach? What do you want?”

Not that the orange-haired boy didn’t trust the Composer, but he wasn’t eager to listen to what he had to say either.

“Why’d you come here? Enough games, just tell me.”

It hadn’t been all that long since Neku had last spoke with Joshua, and he didn’t even want to bother with a civil conversation with the Composer.

“Aw, but Neku I like games~ I can’t just come to spend the little time I have with you?” he said. Those words held a lot more than Neku would understand, but it wasn’t a big problem.

He sighed. “Well, if you’re so keen on seeing me gone, I suppose I do have better things I could be doing.” He whined in mock-offense.  He slowly vanished into the UG, waiting for Neku’s response.

Neku should have been happy that Joshua had left; his friend had done nothing but played with his emotions since he had met him.

But now that he had gone, his room felt a bit colder, and his home empty, even with his mother downstairs. He left Neku confused, and Neku hated being left confused. He hated being toyed with, and he hated that he could do nothing about it.

But, Neku’s emotions had already betrayed him. No matter what Joshua had done, he couldn’t just deny a friend his time.

“I know you’re still there…I’ll spend some time with you.”

Neku knew that the other boy hadn’t ever truly left. He knew that he was still just playing games with him. He didn’t give him a chance to reappear, say something that would make him regret his choice, or anything else Joshua could do.

“I’ll spend some time with you, only if you treat me like your friend, instead of some toy like you always do.”

Neku was still mad at Joshua, but not mad enough to push him away. Yet.

And how could Neku deny Joshua some quality time?

Joshua stilled himself, pondering his next move. He had come to spend time with Neku, he didn’t want to waste the effort.

It was his last chance, anyway.

He reappeared instantly. “Very well, if you don’t like games, then I’ll leave you out of the fun.” He agreed. It didn’t mean much. Joshua was Joshua, and he’d still be himself no matter what he promised.

“So what shall we do today, my dear friend?” he asked playfully, brushing the hair from his eyes.

Neku was surprised at how quickly Joshua reappeared in the RG. Usually he would do something to mess with Neku, not instantly comply with what Neku said. But now wasn’t the time, Neku let it go, and tried to restore the previous order of their friendship, without talk of betrayal, lies, or secrets.

Neku could deal with almost anything after his three long weeks in the UG, but Joshua’s attitude left him a bit flustered.

“Well, you’re the one who wanted to spend time with me, you decide…”

Neku trailed off as he yawned. That was the moment where his cheeks tinged red as he realized he was still in his boxers, sitting on the floor, with Joshua looming above him. He was also fully aware of the chilly morning air, drifting through the window and brushing against his bare skin.

“You could’ve told me to put on some clothes!”

The boy scrambled up and away from Joshua to the other corner of the room and frantically dug through his closet, searching for clothes for the day.

“It didn’t bother me at all~” He purred, leaning against the wall on his elbow. “Aw, you’re blushing. Does somebody still go into the public bath with his mommy~? That’s so sweet.” He said with a giggle. He smirked and watched Neku carefully. There was that look. So predictable~

“Oh don’t get your oversized collar in a bunch, I was only joking.” He sighed, throwing his hands up carelessly.

“I was thinking we could-“ he was interrupted by his phone ringing. He paused, letting it ring a few times before he answered it. “Excuse me…”

He turned and answered to phone sharply. “Hello? Oh, it’s you. I’m a little busy….No, I am NOT coming with you. I told them I’ve better things to- It’s rude to interrupt. Yes, I’m with him, alright? Just go without me. No--I’ve made my decision.” He clacked the phone shut forcefully.

“So, are you ready? You’ve never been this slow before, Neku. Normally you’re the one rushing me along. Hehehe…”

Neku was already ready to kill himself for choosing to waste a beautiful day on Joshua. He didn’t even care about Joshua’s mysterious phone call, he was used to those. He didn’t want to be patronized by him all day though, he could see it happening.

“Arrgh. You…”

He knew it was pointless trying to fight the other male.

“Just…let’s go before my mom notices you’re here.”

“Notice who’s here Neku? Do you want breakfast before you go anywhere?”

Neku cursed everything that existed in his head. His life did not need to become more complicated by having his mom find his dead friend who wasn’t really dead in his room, looking like he had snuck in.

Neku didn’t turn back towards Joshua, and just hoped that the other boy had slipped into the UG so that his mother wouldn’t notice him.

Joshua had been a few beats ahead of everything. Feeling and knowing the city was a good ability, especially when you wanted to remain unseen. He chuckled in his spot from the UG, which was the same exact point he’d been not two seconds ago.

‘You really ought to watch what you say, Neku. You mother almost caught us~’ he imprinted the words into the boy’s mind. ‘I’m sure she wouldn’t be too cross, she seems to love you an awful lot.’

He smiled and snuck out of the room, and out the door, only to knock on it like a civil person and reappear in the RG just outside. This succeeded in startling the neighbor’s cat, who’d been staring at the door for a good ten minutes.

He’d just come up with the perfect idea of what to do with this day. It was so terribly obvious; he didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of this earlier. The boy hummed a little as he waited for the door to open and him to be officially allowed inside.

Neku guessed he should watch what he says around his mom, but a moment and a thought later, he guessed he should smack Joshua in the head for imprinting him! And of course his mother takes care of him; he did disappear for a month.

“Neku, go get the door, please, I’ll be down in a minute.”

“’Kay mom.”

Neku slowly walked down the stairs, already knowing what to expect outside his door, and almost wanting to run out the back door, and hide in an alley for the day.

He wished he didn’t know such strange people, shuffled over towards the door, and slowly opened it, not at all prepared for the rest of his day.

 Part 2

twewy:joshua, fiction, twewy:neku, 101 cycles, twewy:joshneku

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