Title: In Another Land (II)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama/Romance/Light J/N (yes. that's a genre now.)
Summary: What if everyone were put into the land in which Daughter of Evil and related events occur? A lot.
Warnings: Not a happy story.
A/N: Once again, this story is based off of the daughter of evil series (which you can see on youtube) and is written so it occurs in a universe parallel to that of TWEWY. So slight AU~ (Though daughter of evil is originally vocaloid this isn't a crossover. ;D)
The plot will reveal itself more and more with each part, and plz comment!~
Part 1:
Joshua |
Shiki |
Eri |
Beat |
Rhyme |
Neku The Intermission:
Source Part 2:
Still |
Life | Luck
I feel numb, like all the air was ripped from my lungs, like there’s no reason for anything anymore.
As I walk down the street, busy due to all the onlookers from the execution, there is so much I wish I could have done.
I wish for power.
As I chuckle bitterly to myself, pale hands come up behind me, restraining me, and I hear a voice strangely similar to my own whisper the word ‘Sleep’. Seconds later, I lose focus and eventually fall to unconsciousness, never seeing my attacker.
Everything seems a bit blurry, as I awaken to the sounds of the ocean.
I really don’t want to be here right now.
“You are so dangerous. One little incident and you’re leaking all your power. How childlike. But I assume that means something similar would happen to me if I were in a similar situation.”
I do my best to give off an air of indifference, because it’s myself standing there, and I lied. I’m not numb. I am utterly confused and would really like to know why I am standing right in front of me.
“Now what is someone like you doing here?”
Ambiguous questions are good.
“Well princess,” A wave of power hits me, and I’m back to my own appearance, and I really should learn that trick. Seems useful, “I am obviously you, and since it only attacked the powerful people in this city - who are still existing might I add - you should start learning about yourself. I honestly don’t know much of this universe, but it might be something along the lines of a magic based one. One centered around the power of one’s will and thoughts. Of course that’s only a guess.”
He waves his hand in front of my face, and I don’t respond because I believe I may have stopped paying attention after ‘existing’
“Did I break myself?”
“Of course not. I was just wondering where those who were killed might be.”
And of course it didn’t hurt to add my patented sing-song voice to that statement.
“Oh, they’re with Neku. My Neku of course.”
I think he’s being vague on purpose. He just teasing with me. Playing.
“I see.”
“Should I kill you?”
And of course it was just like me to be a complete and utter bastard.
“Now why would you want to do that?”
I didn’t move a single step because I knew it would be pointless if he really did want to kill me. Like it would matter, anyway.
“So you stop lying to yourself, dear.”
“Lying to yourself is pointless, it’s only avoiding the inevitable.”
“I’m glad you know that. Now I don’t have to hurt you.” It seems like he really was going to, because his hands moved back to his sides, and I realize I should be very careful with this person, even if he is me.
“But, princess, you should follow your own advice.”
I know when I’m beaten.
“Were you going to kill me so that I would stay with Neku? How thoughtful. But fine, I’ll admit it, he pleases me, so it would be nice to see him again.”
I will not say it in any clearer terms than that. Ever.
His smirk is answer enough, and I follow him as he walks towards a castle in the forest between Shiki’s land and my own.