Aug 09, 2009 18:10

~.: So this weekend has pretty much been amazing. We went to a gay club in DC called Town, which was pretty much the most awesome place ever. Awesome drinks, awesome people, awesome music, awesome atmosphere. I've never been high, but after a Malibu and pineapple, a 007, a shot of tequila, a cake shot, and a buttery nipple, and dancing in a throng of sweaty, writhing people, and the strobe lights, and the techno remixes, I pretty much felt high. I kind of stopped being in control of my own motions, and it just became an instinctual ... thing. Dancing is fun.

~.: Things I learned at the gay bar:

o1 Gay men are fabulous, and I need more of them in my life. They're just so chill about everything.

o2 I find it kinda hot when a guy just says "fuck it" and bites you on the neck. Hard. I may have subcutaneous bruising. >>;

o3 There are still straight guys prowling the dance floor at gay bars! :O And they will not hesitate to molest you. Three guys. Hands up the dress. Do not want. Thankfully we had Joe and Brion there to protect us and help us out if the guys didn't quite get "You need to leave" as it was coming out of our mouths.

o4 Cake shots are delicious. They taste like chocolate cake. Buttery nipples are also delicious. :9

o5 The rules for men's and women's restrooms go out the window at a gay bar. The ladies' room is for everyone with a vagina and anyone who may as well have a vagina. The men's room is for everyone else.

o6 Techno remixes make my life.

~.: And now I'm off to do something mindless because I don't think my brain has quite recovered yet. :)

yay, drinking, friends, music, w00t, gay bar, dc, awesome, fun weekend

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