Hey folks! It has recently come to my attention that FA has disallowed hotlinking, so I am entirely unsure which tutorials of mine may be linked in memories that may be broken. It's FAR easier to make a new post with all of them! As always, I host my tutorials on my
website, if you want a one-page experience.
A few of these tutorials are outdated and will be redone with new tips and better photos, but for the sake of completeness I'm going to post them here anyway.
Ultracal Mold Tutorial Oogoo (silicone) Casting Tutorial Two-Part Oogoo Casting Tutorial Silicone Sewing Tutorial Hand-Sewn Zipper Tutorial Acrylic Eye Tutorial Removable Wig Tutorial Padding a Mask for a Smaller Wearer Tutorial Foot DTD for Cast Bases Tutorial Flexible Expanding Foam Footpaw Tutorial Official Mordrude's Monsters DTD Tutorial (Goes to part 1 of the tutorial, there are 7 parts. This is one image on my website!)
Older, outdated, but still useful:
Sculpt Tutorial for Cast Bases Oogoo Glove Mold Tutorial Ultracal Mother Mold Tutorial Resin Slush Casting Tutorial Pt 1 Resin Slush Casting Tutorial Pt 2 Text/journal based tips:
Digitigrade Shaping Tips Head Shaping Tips Head Expression Tips Oogoo Durability Test Results Monofilament vs. Upholstery Thread Qualities of DF Fur Qualities of Arctic Fox Fur Online Resources and Purchasing Tips Paint Removal Protip Assorted Tips Also! If you have suggestions for future tutorials, please comment on
this journal so I can easily refer back to it. Next in my tutorial queue is a complete redo of my sculpt/mold/cast tutorials, along with installing eyes, jawset, hinges, etc.