Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and
Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One) brought to you by
Quizilla i had a dream i can actually remember from last night...i was in love w/ yoko but the catch was i didn't know where she was...everyone was sitting on this big hill...all couples...all holding each other...and i was crawling around asking eveyrone if they knew where yoko was...some friend of hers said she bailed on i just got up and started walking around the hill...picking up coin dollars that had dropped out of everyone's pockets...and before you know it everyone started following my lead...once i noticed that i had just started a riot i ran away and immediately woke up
i can't explain the meaning of any of this but it wasn't like all the other dreams i have where i wake up and forget everything...this one is stuck in my damn head for some, oh well
so...what else can i think of saying...oh yes...i've decided against ever 'going down' on a girl...while the idea appeals to me very much i think of it objectively as nothing more than a sexually obssesive escuse to show a girl that i love her...what a bunch of horseshit
ha...and while i'm on the topic of sex...its rather obvious i keep to myself at work because after being there for almost a month now no one knows my 'crazy' views on sex...a few of my coworkers were talking about which pop star they would prefer more and i mumbled...'i'd fuck em alright...w/ a slap to the face...pretentious bimbos'...ha, i got a bunch of weird looks...score for the home team!!...and i think my manager thinks i'm gay other news...i was reading the book chazz gave me on the life of john lennon...supposedly he let brain epstein give him a blowjob...but before that tore he off his pants in frustration w/ brian's fascination w/ him and screamed 'go ahead'...brian turned down the offer by remarking, 'that's not what i like'...seems the poor guy really wanted to convert john...and this is the same guy who was trying to be the manager for the velvet underground before he killed himself w/ painkillers? what a shithead...its also been proven he was about to screw the beatles out of almost a quarter of their future profits from the contract he had them sign in early 1967, which ran until wonder he killed himself...he knew how much the beatles trusted him views of john lennon are so conflicted right minute he's just a really talented cry baby...the next i think of him as the anti-christ
maybe not...but he was certainly no messiah...and my opinion of yoko is even more blurred...there's so much she did when she was w/ john that makes me cringe...and her previous marriage was described as 'violent and hopeless'...she could be described as the greatest self-promoter in world history...hell, even andy warhol despised her
but i'm not gonna completely trash the lady...a few of her concept pieces were quite ingenious and should never be overlooked...i just wish john had been more careful w/ his love for her...and his addiction to herion...but fuck...what can i say...we've all got problems...some of us just have better answers