Entry on dA. Its a RANT!!

Apr 01, 2007 10:47

On deviantArt I am known as AmerikanWolf.. this is just a transfer from that post..

You know what? This is really fucking stupid, like a lot of people in this god forsaken world. Its time to rant and vent out my anger...

Been in the furry community for about 5 years and I'm pretty fed up with its shit.. I mean what the fuck? 85% of you are fucking retarded and emo. You start a chat room for other furs and people to collect and have a good time, but in this chat room its ok to fucking taunt someone.
Oh whats this? That person fired back a response!? Rude you say!? Ban. Yeah, go fuck yourself you pussy. I'm sorry, I forgot its ok for someone like you to fucking make a rude comment, but its not ok for that person to retort. "Oh but this is my room and.." Shut The Fuck Up. Have some god damn balls and take on the conflict you just started, cunt.
I've noticed that alot of furs are really fucking dramatic. Get the damn sand out of your vagina, and grow the fuck up. Life doesn't stop with middle school or high school, bastard.
I can honestly say after going to 4 conventions, posting many boards under different names, and going to many chats; that I hate 95% of my own kind. There is only about 5% of furs that are cool as hell to kick it with.
Staying on the furry subject, but shifting gears.. Zoophilia; are you out of your fucking mind!? Look just because someone tells you that fucking an animal is sick and disgusting, they are not being judgmental, they are sane. I'm sorry that staring at your dogs asshole turns you on, but get some fucking help. Its not love. Its rape stupid. There is no fucking way that animal acknowledged you for some hardcore fucking. Get some help. "But my dog loves me, Amerikan!" I don't think he likes getting a tube of flesh in his ass, and his howling and whimpering are not of pleasure. This shit is ripping inside of him. Dumbass.
Plushpilia, come on dude. Get a fucking life, get out and get some pussy or ass.. whatever your preference may be. I'm not sure about everyone else, but pounding the old ham wallet (vagina for you stupid fucks) feels 200% better then humping holes in some teddy bear. Not to mention the look on your lovers face after you have satisfied them. Yeah, the permanent smile stitching, must be enough for you. Douche.
If its not the plush or the animal fucking, its the young boys or girls. Yeah fucks like that get put in jail or shit like that; their called pedophiles. "But its only love, Amerikan." I tell you what you can pay a kid in candy, money, whatever they like to do anything. How do I know? I used to ref paint ball and would tell the church group kids to shoot who ever was refing with me for a game with the aggressive players (experienced) if they like. Fucked up, yes.. But I'm sure they knew what they were in for when they played with the novice players, and maybe found confidence and a dream to pro-ball. Get help.
Its these kinds of things that ruin the fucking image of furries everywhere. We are a strange group, and 85% of the furry community is homosexual or bi-sexual, but to each is his/her own. But it's the fucks that make people judge us at our own conventions and harass us for being who we are. I know we will never be accepted into mainstream, and will always be a sub-culture. The only thing that well keep furry surviving is to clean up this tarnished image. The newcomers to furry look at all the sickos; then turn away or get turned away. Do you want to be apart of a dying fandom? I don't. We will soon slowly die if we keep this shit up. Quit accepting these fucks as furries and label them for what they really are; deranged, sick, and unfit human beings. MTV and CSI didn't help us either.
By the way, having a fursona is great, but remember your a human too you dumb fuck.

Shifting in to second gear.. I hear, "deviantArt is for artist only Ameri".. Shut your fucking mouth! Like your shit doesn't stink you self righteous prick. I've seen some pretty fucking worthless shit posted on dA by the same people who say that. But art is in the eye of the beholder, and I acknowledge that. But dA isn't for just artist.. what would an artist be without admirers or fans? Nothing. Just some shmuck wasting his/her time on putting lines and color on canvas. dA is for Artists and fans of art.

Now into third..Whats with all this emo shit? "Life sucks and I'm just gonna cut myself and cry because mommy didn't tuck me in at night. My boyfriend/girlfriend dumped me. Life is suffocating me." Are you fucking serious?! I tell you what I will mail you the razor blades or that bullet you need to kill yourself with. Just send me polaroids and leave a note for your mother or friend to take a picture of the aftermath. Then kick your retarded emo ass in the twat and mail me the pictures. Let me have a good laugh that at least there is one less cry baby in the world. Oh, I don't understand do I? Your mother or father is a bitch is he/she? My mother was a addicted to crystal meth (to a point), dexadrine, and anti-depressants. My father verbally abused her in front of me and my siblings. Then my mother died later from cancer. Yeah, I'm upset about my life in certain areas but I moved on and grew from my past. Maybe you emo fucks should too... grow up, life doesn't always go your fucking way, and that doesn't mean you have the right to plague everyones ears with your bullshit. Your life is no worse then the next mother fucker! Get the dick out of your ass too...

Grinding forth a little bit. Why the fuck are we fighting AIDS in Africa. Fuck them. Why not target the United States first, where we live. This is like deaf kids playing musical chairs. What the fuck has Africa done for us? Let stop wasting fucking money on them, they need to be educated first. But if they don't want to listen, fuck'em. "Buy RED!" Yeah, how about I buy you some "Shut the fuck up"! Fix the problem here before , trying to fix it else where. "But Amerikan that sounds racist" When did I say let's not help the africans fight AIDS because they are black.. shut up. Please for the love of God shut your down syndrome mouth.

I understand I am not perfect, and I do some fucked up shit as well. I drink more then I should. I help own shipmates who have had too much to drink. I swear more then alot of people. I have done some thing to people that no one should do. Oh well, this is my opinion and if you don't like. Please write me a letter, fold it up nicely and stick it up your ass. Talk to someone who really cares, like a therapist. I sure as hell don't.



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