Oct 22, 2006 01:32
Nothing really new to report, just same shit different day. This ship is getting really fucking stupid, really fast. I figured out what the "R" in "R-Division" stands for, and its not Repair but more like Retard.
Oh well, I'm just setting my sights on getting my place when I get back to Yokouska. Really one of the two things that is giving me a drive in this place. Victoria and apartment. Thats pretty much it.
Speaking of Victoria, that woman makes me worry sometime for then normal. I worry alot about her job and line of work. Just hope that she keeps a good job and nothing happens, or at least find something that pays the bills very well and enables her to goto college. I know her heart is set on college and a applaud her so mich for that, not very many people understand how hard her life has been in the past few years. I didn't realize it until year after, when I stepped back and saw the whole picture. But never the less I'm always praying for her that she will presue her dreams and find the job that enables her to do so. I never want her to settle for less, like many people I know have.
Some new 360 games are comming out that have gotten my ears to perk, just hopefully I will be able to play them and get my tail to wag for once. Last night, I was playing Blitz: The Leauge and it was the first night in a long time I had the TV to myself. But DC2 Iwaniki was like "Hyde, goto bed" and I coldly replied a simple "No.". She got angry and said "Well don't cry about being tired tomorrow" I fired back "I normally don't bitch about being tired, now if we could only get you to stop bitching period.". I really hate this bitch, I really fucking do. DCC kept telling me to get in bed and DC2, I finally yelled "Look, your not my fucking parents. I'm a grown fucking man! I want to play my God damn video game in peace! You don't stand fucking watch! You have time to yourself at the end of every mother fucking night, to do what you fucking please! Let me have my shred of fucking time, it the only God damn fucking hour I get this fucking week!". Yeah there was alot of "fucks". DC2 stormed out to sqeal on me and I actually did enjoy my hour and 30 mins of game time.
Needless to say I'm going to anger management once we pull back into port. By choice.
I tend to think it's my chain of command that is really pushing up the anger and violence within me, I never had an anger problem this bad until I came here. Overall, I'm fine. Not depressed or anything, just merely here.