Mar 31, 2010 09:38
Oh my god it was so nice having a 8 minute commute to work! The rain was annoying in the morning, but Cassie is always happy to get outside. The cable guy finally came today, but they are out of DVRs so they have to come back to install that later in the week. It's nice to have internet at home, and not just on my phone. The evening was a bit wierd.... Some background- On Monday a guy i know here in Balt. wanted to come see my new place, and since I had to check on Cassie during lunch I suggested he come over during lunch to see the place and we could walk Cassie. After the walk, one thing led to another, but I said I wasn't ready to have sex yet, for a variety of reasons. (Being my first full day in Baltimore, being on a short lunch break, being so newly single, etc) He mostly respected my wishes, but pushed really hard. I was happy that I stood my ground though, despiote the amazing chemistry we have together. I suggested trying to get together Tues or wed night, and he seemed good with it.
So after almost having sex on Monday, by Tuesday I was more open to the idea! But of course he didn't reply to my text about his availability Tuesday night. SO I was chatting online and a guy I had been chatting with suggested he come over to show me the new DVD in the Twilight series- which he LOVES, and which I LOVE to make fun of. (He's 31 going on 13 I guess.) So after about 30 minutes of watching MTV- New Moon, one thing led to another etc etc. But of course I had very little attraction to him, and it just felt wierd- it seemed obvious that he was bored and horny, and I was the person to fill the void in his boring Tuesday evening. He then asked me to put on some porn. So I did, since the horrible overacting of New Moon was totally distracting. The he gets a text, and gets out of bed to check it! Then 5 minutes later get gets another one, and checks it again, and texts back. Oy. They said said he had to leave and deal with a situation at home. Totally annoying and very weird. I guess this may be normal for him, but as someone who doesn't have a lot of sex partners, it just seemed really crazy and quite rude. As he was leaving, he said his boyfriend works alot of weekend evening, so he wants to hang out more! Um.... yeah. We'll do a Twilight Marathon real soon.