This is an image of The Hobbit, the movie. Note Martin Freeman!Bilbo Baggins in the foreground, looking more closely to the likeliness of an illustrated hobbit than either John Watson or Arthur Dent. Note also Richard Armitage!Thorin in the background looking like a truly fiersome dwarf which seems to be a bit of a departure in the impression gained from the book but true from a hobbit perspective. I suspect it'll be a more crossing-borders movie than even the LotR trilogy where Tolkien basically led us a journey back in time, from bourgeoise English breakfasts to mead in the Golden Hall.
Also, I've finally figured out why I ship XMen-First Class' Charles/Erik more than usual as of late. They gave Magneto a revenge arc. My first favourite book was the Count of Monte Cristo. I love revenge arcs. I want to write X-Men fics. I wonder if I can fit it into my Review for Dire Exam. It is on epidemiology, after all. For all that Charles Xavier went on about genetic mutations in the movie, it was the early 60s (if there's going to be a sequel they should touch upon the vast differences between early and late 60s. Also, of course all the Others (non-WASP males) stand on one side with Magneto at the end. Ironically, it's depressingly period appropriate). Now, it's all gene-environment interaction and the variety of manifestation of powers seem to suggest epigenetic component (that is, different activation of genes) as well. Pity neither my research nor my exam would involve all that. However, I can write a geeky fic. The fundamental concepts and methods of epidemiology (what I'm getting tested on) would even be appropriate since many of them were developed around WWII. Then the results of the hypothetical study into the etiology of mutant powers also contributed to the formation of Environmental Protection Agency, which incidentally formed in the late 60s, and goes along with the "radiation/pollution etc cause mutations" reasoning sometimes cited in X-verse quite well.
I'm clearly overthinking this. The thought of 3 days and 14 hours of Examining is not very soporific but LotR puts things in perspective. Better than Iliad. Middle-earth is a Christianized pagan world, after all, organized..