Oct 01, 2006 10:57
to confirm that i am still alive.
besides the 5 spider/bed bug bites, going to the doctor for them, havin bad allergies, going to Ryans every week, my cousin running away for over a week and is alive (thank goodness), going to church, and spending time with Becky, nothing is really going on. i dont want to be in my room for too long, or else i go nuts. life isnt so bad.
i did go to a birthday party for Sipra, Varoon's girlfriend, and tried hooka (sp?) and bought myself an alcoholic beverage, a pina colada. there was too much alcohol in it, and i hated that. so i diluted it with ice cubes and a little bit of water. Ryan of course came to the party and we just sat around. i had a sip of his corona, courtesy of Varoon, and it tasted horrible. i also never stayed out this late before. we didnt leave the party til 3:15 am. Since Ryan had a Friday morning class at 10, i told him he should crash at my place for a few hours before he heads off to school. we took a taxi to my dorm and after the damn paperwork, we were in bed and before we knew it, we were passed out. we eventually work up 4 hours later to get ready to leave. i was going back to Rockaway while he had class. i missed the train by 15 minutes so i had 45 minutes to kill, so i called up Becky and told her about the crazy party. it was kewl.
sleeping over Ryan's dorm is like a party every time. boys are silly.
i miss my Britney-chan, and Steve, and Becky Lake, and of course my family. it was nice seeing them again.
things here at this moment are bleak. its raining and i'm hungry and really tired.
and i miss Ryan.
i'm a sad case.